Chapter 1.|Egypt

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       As the bus rolled down the highway. I touched the blade that I had put in my bar, making sure it was still there. I wasn't hungry but I nervously snacked on my Snickers bar.

     After nibbling on it for a few seconds, I put it back into my duffle bag and laid my head back on the uncomfortable headrest.

     After a few more minutes the bus came to a stop. "You all have 20 minutes to do whatever you need, don't be late or you'll be left" The drive said.

I decided to go get a snack and something to drink. When I got off , I felt someone staring at me. I turned around to see it was one of the men from the bus.

    He was creeping me out so I held my money can close to my chest and hurried into the store. "Hi, could I have the key to the bathroom?" I asked politely.

The store manager passed me the key with a smile and I hurried off to the bathroom. As soon as I got into the bathroom, I noticed it was very clean to be inside a rest stop.

    I turned on the cold water, and splashed it on my face . I then heard the door open, I swiftly got up to see it was the creep from the bus.

    " I been watching you since you got on that bus, and I know its something special in that can. I want that can young lady, so you can either do this the easy way or the hard way" He said locking the door.

I roll my eyes and begin to shake my head at the man. "Well you aren't getting this can, I don't have time for this" I said.

"What you say to me gal?" he said in a deep southern accent. "Let me rephrase that for you. Hell No" I yelled.

    He lunged for me ,when I cut his hand. It caused him to grab it and laugh. "Why you little bitch. I'm going to kill you and fuck your corpse then I'm going to leave you here for maggot food" Before he could say anything else I jabbed him in the throat with the knife severing one of his vocal cords.

He grabs his throat as the blood poured from his neck. I walked around and grabbed his greasy ponytail "I told your ass I ain't have time for this shit!" I said pulling him into a stale placing him in front of the toilet, so the blood would leak into the toilet instead of onto the floor.

     Pulling his ponytail again I cut his neck so deep, his head fell over in that position. I locked the stale door and crawled under, rushing over to the sink. I washed the blood from my face and hands then bending down to clean the blood from the floor.

     I cursed myself seeing I only had 2 minutes left to get back to the bus. I ran to the counter with a smile giving the clerk back the key. I ran to the bus just as everyone started to board the bus.

     "Hey did anyone see that guy with the ponytail? " The driver asked. "No baby, but I'm glad he is gone. He was stinking up the bus" A older lady said, causing everyone to laugh.

     After a few more hours, I finally made it to New york where my step brother lived. I pulled out my phone dialing his number. "Yo?" he answered after a few rings.

    "I'm here, where did you say you lived?" I asked. "I'll pick you up, where are you?" He asked. "On 33rd street" I said. He agreed to be here in 5 minutes.

     I set down on one of the benches. After a few minutes he finally pulled up "Yo Egypt!" he yelled out. I hurried over to his silver 2014 Infinity, pulling my bags with me.

    "Hey" I said finally getting into car. He leaned in and gave me a hug. "I'm sorry they put you out" he said, referring to my step mom and dad putting me out.

     "It's not your fault, but can you just get me to your house. I'm so dirty and cold" I said, turning up his heat. He slapped my hand.

   "Don't ever touch a black man's heat" he said causing me to laugh. "Whatever" I said. Upon making it to his house, Joseph showed me to my room.

    "I'm about to get out of here, everything you need is in your room, and the fridge is fully stocked." He said kissing my forehead.

    "Okay" I said. I went to the bathroom that was in my room, which was decorated nicely. I turned on the shower and got in. I washed away all the dirt of today's events .

After my shower I put on one of the silk night gowns I found in the  one of the draws. I slipped into the bed and before I knew it I was sound asleep.

The next morning I woke up to yelling. "Hell No, I'm not asking her to do that! " Joseph yelled are someone.

    "Nigga, she ain't going be living here rent free! If my sister got to do it to stay here then so does she!" I heard a female say.

    I hurried out the bed and down to the kitchen. "I'll do it" I said. I didn't know exactly what it was but this female was right.

    "What are you talking about?" Joseph said."I heard you guys fussing. I'm down" I said.

"This is some dangerous shit here Egypt ,this isn't fun time. You'll be transporting hard cold drugs"He said.

    "I'm down, only if I'm making a profit" I said, folding my arms under my breast. "You get 10 G's every drop" Joseph said.

"Cool" I said. "Well since she down , your sister going have to help her " he said to the female. "Fine, India!!" She called.

    In walked a pretty red bone girl with long blonde hair and hazel eyes. "India meet Egypt, Egypt meet India. your new partner" Joseph said.

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