Jungkook x Reader

Start from the beginning

"I was joking! I'll have some iced tea." He said. Jimin glared at him, and nudged his arm.

"I was born in Busan first." He said. You rolled your eyes at the old joke, and asked Jin to get you some (Y/F/D).

"Thank you waiter!" Jungkook teased, apologising to his hyung who soon glared at him.

"Is there food?" You asked, your stomach grumbling. Luckily the music was loud enough to cover the growls of your stomach.

"They'll serve it in a bit." Yoongi said, messing with his phone. You pouted, and leaned into your chair.

"Want some?" Taehyung asked, offering you some chips he smuggled before this party. You thanked Taehyung and took about a handful.

"Wow... You're really hungry." Taehyung said, chuckling at your semi stuffed mouth. Your cheeks turned a faint red from embarrassment.

"She's so cute!" Jungkook teased, pinching your cheeks softly. You rolled your eyes playfully and swatted his hands aways from your chubby cheeks.

"Your drinks!" Seokjin said, handing you and Jungkook your drinks. You took a tiny sip of your (Y/F/D), and watched as people gathered on the dance floor.

A lot of people were dancing. There was Hoshi from Seventeen, and BlackPink was dancing as well. Jin Young was dancing with Mark and BamBam from Got7,and everyone else was drinking and eating.

Once the food arrived, you dug in immediately. There was chicken, kimchi, beef, and tons of rice. It was a whole buffet followed by some bingsu.

"You still hungry now?" Jungkook asked, looking at your face. You were do full. You ate almost everything  that was set on the table, and finished your bingsu.

"What does it look like?" You asked, patting your full belly. The music got louder as the night dragged on. The later it got, the more the music turned up. You got bored almost instantly, and it was just 9:30 PM.

"Do we really need to stay here until midnight?" You asked, almost screaming just to get Jungkook to hear you over the music. He gave you a nod off the head, and continued talking with his hyungs. You sighed out of boredom. You had no one to talk to.

"Why'd you have to drag me here, Jeon?" You mumbled, your words obviously drowning in the loud music.

•Time Skip•

It was already 11 o'clock in the evening, and you were bored out of your mind. You were just watching the gigantic clock on the wall. You were currently eating Jungkook's unfinished bingsu, taking a little bite spoon by spoon.

"Can time pass by any slower?" You asked yourself, putting the spoon down exasperatedly. You waited a few more minutes until the clock read 11:45, then you were really bored.

"I'm going to get some air." You told Jungkook, getting up and going to the roof. It was the only place where you could get air in this place.

"Finally... Away from that crowded place..." You muttered to yourself, feeling the cold winter wind hit your face. You could still hear the music from the party, but at least it wasn't so loud anymore. You hugged yourself, protecting yourself from the cold wind.

"Come up here for air, or to get away from the party?" Jungkook asked, a teasing smirk on his face. You rolled your eyes.

"Both. I wanted to get air because I wanted to get away from the party." You stated. Jungkook chuckled, approaching you. He took his jacket off, giving it to you.

"H-Here... I saw you getting cold earlier." He stuttered, his cheeks turning red. You laughed at his shyness. What a fetus.

"You're so cute Jungkook." You said, pinching one of his cheeks. Jungkook's blush deepened at your actions. You laughed it off once more, and led him to the edge of the building, where you could clearly see the bright lights of the small street below.

Fireworks were already lighting up the sky, making the scene look even more beautiful. The music from the party turned into slow music, making both you and Jungkook startled.

"Isn't that your song?" You asked, listening to the familiar tune of 'Love is Not Over'. Jungkook nodded his head. He shyly took you hand, making you face him. His cheeks were tomatoes as his hand landed on your waist. You knew what he was trying to do. He was trying to dance with you.

"Cutie." You said again, placing your hand in his shoulder. Jungkook glared at you playfully, but danced to the beat of the slow song. You were both silent as you danced, Jungkook looking at the floor the whole time. He couldn't look you in the eye without blushing. You chuckled, but didn't mind it.

"30 MORE SECONDS TILL NEW YEAR!!" The MC yelled. Everyone in the party cheered, but you could still hear the song faintly. You and Jungkook kept dancing, not minding the screams of people, and the explosion if fireworks in the sky.

"Love is not over, over, over." Jungkook sang, twirling you, and holding you very, very, close to him.

"5!" He finally looked at you, his beautiful brown eyes starting into your (Y/E/C) orbs.

"4!" He put your forehead on yours, this time making you embarrassed.

"3!" They yelled, and Jungkook called you cheek.


"I love you." He said, leaning in slowly. Your cheeks were red as you also leaned in, slowly closing your eyes.

"1!" They yelled, as you lips finally touched, and fireworks exploded all around you.

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!!" The people cheered, the sky lighting up completely. You knew then and there, that as a new year began, a new stage of live would spark, and that love was not over.

A/N- This was over 1500 words. BIAS FEELS. Sorry if the ending was hella awkward but like... Oh well. Please vote comment and request (if you want). Belated Merry Christmas!!!!!! Advanced happy new year!!!! The next chapter will be a scenario. It will be something like "How you and BTS will spend your new year." That's it...

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