Ch. 9 ~Rock Bottom~

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"Are you done? " A voice Y/N doesn't know said with a yawn.

Y/N head snap up so fast he thought he would suffer whiplash. Instead of seeing an old woman with a crinkled face with a kind smile, a young man with a bored look on his face greeted Y/N.

"Who- "

"I'm Kyle Warren, " The guy couldn't have looked more than twenty-one. "I'm your new boss, well that would have been the case before you told me what you did yesterday. "

It took Y/N a few moments before Kyle's words became clear in his mind, and when it did; Y/N whole body froze.

"What? " Y/N said, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I. Said. Your. Fired. " He emphasize each word as if Y/N was too stupid to understand.

"You c-can't fire me. "

Kyle raise his eyebrows seemingly amuse as he lean back against his chair behind the office desk. "Oh, yeah? I just fire your ass. "

"Mrs. Warren- "

"Mrs. Warren isn't here. " Kyle said smiling widely as he sees Y/N eyes widen in fear. "I'm the boss of this place now. And the first order of business is firing lazy ditching ungrateful slackers like you. "

"I-I've been working at this place for years! " Y/N shouted indignantly.

"Like I care, " Kyle said smirking at Y/N growing red face. "And what I say always goes. If I say your fired you are fired. "

Y/N could feel heat traveling all around his body as his hands clenched itself tightly.

"Now be a good boy and get out of my office before I make you. " Kyle said still smirking arrogantly.

Y/N stare at him with pure hatred before turning on his heels and fast-walk over the door.

"Oh, and Y/N, " Y/N didn't turn around, instead he glared at the open door in front of him where people were gathering and staring. "Have a nice weekend Mr. Y/LN. "

Y/N slam the door shut as loud laughing issued from behind. Immediately everyone return back to work as Y/N pass them fuming with rage.

But when Y/N was outside the library the truth finally sink in. All the anger was now gone and is replaced with helplessness. He lost his apartment, job, and Lauren. And all that happened in a week.

"FUCK! " He shouted as he punch a random brick wall beside him. Pain ignited in his fist but he ignored it.

"Mommy he said a bad word! "

Y/N turn around and found a young boy looking at him with wide eyes as he clutch his mother's hand.

"Don't listen to that man, baby, " The mother glare at him as if he was a parasite. "He's just a sad man with no bright future with that kind of mouth. "

Most days or any other days when Y/N isn't fired out of a job he would keep his mouth shut; but not today.

"What's sad is when parents feed their children a load of BS about life being wonderful and great; when in reality it's shitty and downright unfair. "

Y/N turn around and left the gaping mother and wide eyed kid.

A week later

"Are you sure there's isn't a room available? It doesn't have to be a big room. I'll take anything. "

"I'm sorry Mr. Y/LN. But the budget you gave us isn't enough for even the one bedroom we have. "

"Please, please, I can — will — pay the rest later on as long I can transfer tonight. "

"We don't accept late payments. I'm sorry Mr. Y/LN but you'll have just to find another place. "

The line went dead as Y/N slump against the wall with his phone falling down his lap in defeat.

That was the fourth apartment Y/N failed to close a deal on his transfer. All of them were asking too much for a room to stay in. Y/N was already having trouble affording his needs, but now, especially, when he lost his job at the library. It seemed almost impossible with his budget to afford another apartment without giving up on paying bills.

"I'm going out for a bit, Franky, " Y/N whisper as he petted the sleeping dog beside him.

Grabbing his hoodie: Y/N left his apartment. The afternoon sun flash before his eyes as he walk the busy street of Miami.

Y/N let his legs walk for him as his mine buzz with everything that's dragging him down. His head ache with all of Mrs. Bryant consistent reminder of transferring as his body felt like a rock with restless sleep.

Minutes pass before Y/N stop at a familiar shady part of town where a large neon glowing sign shine before him.

Rock Bottom

Y/N push the old moldy wooden door and immediately the smell of tobacco made its way into his nose. Walking pass several people laughing and drinking he sat at an empty booth. Stuffing his hands at his pockets a bartender approach him.

"What would you — Y/N? "

"James, " Y/N nodded his head in greeting, "I'll take my usual. "

James still a little surprise nodded before making my usual drink.

"Long time Y/N. " James place Y/N drink in front of him.

"Five years to be exact, " Y/N gulp his drink down in one gulp. "Keep them coming, "

"Why are you here exactly Y/N? " James ask as he prepare Y/N another drink. "After all these years, what made you come back here? "

Y/N gulp his drink again in one gulp before giving James a wry smile.

"There are only two reasons people drink in this world: It's either for pleasure or when they hit rock bottom. Which do you think am I? "

When Y/N finally exit 'Rock Bottom' it was already night. The cold air seep into his hoodie and jeans but Y/N didn't even feel a thing. His mind was a buzz but instead of a empty and loopy buzz — it was a buzz where several memories play in front of his droopy eyes.

"Stop, " He mutter as a memory of him and his old friends played in his mind like a movie.

A sharp pain filled his shoulder as a strong force sent him skidding down the pavement.

"Watch where your walking asshole! " A deep voice shouted.

Y/N blink back his red droopy eyes and found a buff muscular guy glaring at him as a pleading woman tug his meat size arm.

"C'mon babe, let's just go home, " The blonde woman said.

The guy gave Y/N another harsh glare before grabbing his girlfriend hand and storming off. Y/N stood back up and continued walking pass alleyways and busy streets.

"Stop, " He said as a memory of him and his parents laughter echoed in his ear.

A flash of light and a ear splitting 'honk! ' knock Y/N momentarily out of his daze.

"Get out of the road! "

Before Y/N could move out of the way, the tip of his shoe collided with his other shoe, tripping him down. Pain filled his body momentarily before it disappeared. Ignoring the loud honking and curses; Y/N turn his body around in the ground. Bright stars filled the vast darkness in the sky.

"I saw love, " A soft husky voice whisper in Y/N ear.

Y/N could remember that day. The day he knew he was caring for someone he barely knew. The day where he broke his own shitty routine. The day where he started seeing stars as love waiting to be found. The day he stopped feeling alone.

"Lauren, " Y/N whisper as his eyes close and everything else fade away.

A second, A minute more pass before: "Y/N! "

Sad Song (Lauren/You)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu