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This morning I actually woke up early. Isn't it amazing how you can surprise yourself sometimes? I woke up at like 8 AM and yes, that's pretty early for me.

I get up from bed and very sneakily I get myself freed from his arms and I exchange myself with a pillow. I know it's an old trick that doesn't really work but... You know... Doesn't work because I think that if you squeeze me it won't really be a nice feeling the slap I'll give you after. There's a difference between squeezing and hugging obviously and it doesn't really matter if it's Zach, he's Zach but... You get my point!

So I sneakily go into the kitchen and I make myself some breakfast and sit on the couch refraining from watching the news. We all know the disasters that happend in the world. So checking and passing I stop at Masterchef. Ech, could be worse. Let's see if I finally learn something on how to cook.

30 minutes into it and all I learned so far is pressure and stress. I feel stressed for them! Let's all forget about this we all know that mom's are the best teachers when it comes to cooking. I'll ask her sometime.

I finally end up watching a sappy romance movie from those crappy channels that only pass cheap movies with 3 actors? You know what I'm talking about.

Half way into the movie someone enters the living room. I adjust myself so I look back to the entrance because I ended up laying weirdly on the couch. I thank myself for having the ears of a hawk. It's funny when people try to scare you all your life but they still can't do it... Obviously Zach won't do it but I seriously feel for Hay. She could've saved so much time...

"Hey baby." He says coming behind me and kissing my cheek. Can I add he's only in boxers?! Is it too bad if I drool? I might be doing that right now. Close your mouth!

"Morning." He grabs the coffee I left prepared for him, must be cold by now but it's not like it matters much for him.

He comes to sit down with me on the couch.

"Sorry for arriving so late yesterday baby but there were some complications with the surgery and I had to solve it obviously." I kiss his cheek.

"It's ok baby." I tell him. "I did some shopping." I smile inwardly. 'Some' Hah! Not really some.

"Did you buy a dress?" He asks looking at me. Can you begin to imagine how distracting he looks right now? Don't try you won't come close trust me.

"Uhm... I did why?" I ask unsure.

"Because my parents are doing this charity ball tonight and... I might have told them you would go and meet them." Did he just say what I think he said? I think my hawk ear is failing me right now.

"What?! Are you serious?!" I ask.

"Yeah. Pretty much." He says nodding to himself.

"You can't- Omg I have an emergency!" I say to no one in particular.

"What are you ok baby?" He asks me I think he's worried. He should be! I just had a minor heart attack. He didn't notice because he's in Neurology if you know what i mean.

"No!" Oh my god! I need to dress to impress! Hay to the rescue! I grab my phone and I call her. She picks up right away. By now I'm pacing already in front of him. Secretly looking at his face he's refraining from laughing at me. He won't be laughing when I kill him! Unfortunately I like him too much so I can't kill him.

"Hey Soph!" She says. Not the time to be nice now Hay!

"I need your help! I have this ball tonight I need to buy a dress!" I tell her.

"Oh. This is a big issue. We need to go shopping!" Oh I know it's a big issue!

"I'll meet you at the mall in one hour!" I tell her. And I hang up. Desperate mode is turned on!

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