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As soon as I wake up I realise that today Hailey is coming home. I missed her so much... She went on vacations with her boyfriend Nick who is really like my best friend slash second brother.

So today I got the whole day planned with Hailey.

I get up and I take a long shower because I like to sing in the shower so the time passes by when I pretend I'm the next Ariana Grande or Miley Cyrus.

Anyway, I get out of the shower and I put on my shorts, All Stars and a t-shirt on because I don't dress to impress.

Get it? That's the best joke I can make.

I quickly shove my phone into my shorts' back pocket and my wallet into the other. I grab the house keys and I get out.

Hayley has already arrived but we agreed to meet each other at Starbucks.

As I'm on my way to Starbucks my phone rings.

I take it out of my pocket and I answer without even looking at the caller.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hi, it's Zach." Oh, Zach! He did call after all, I thought he was going to call yesterday. "I'm sorry for not calling yesterday, I was kind of busy." He says.

"No, it's fine really. I had lots of things to do anyway." Lies! I wanted to tell him. Oh yeah, it's fine I've been laying the whole day in bed watching movies with Gerard Butler on Netflix. By the way, I just love his movies.

"That's good. So, I was wondering, how about we go for dinner tonight?" He asks and literally my whole body starts tingling.

"Has anyone ever said No to you?" I ask him and he chuckles.

"No, why?" He asks on the other side.

"Because it's a no. Sorry Zach, I told you my friend was coming so I'm spending the whole day with her. I'll be your first No. Don't worry ask me out again sometime and I'll might say yes." I tell him confidently.


"Yeah, I have to think about your case." I say and he chuckles.

"Very well but you owe me one and trust me I'm going to have a sweet payback. Have a good day Sophie. I'll ask you out tomorrow." He says and then hangs up.

He will be the death of me.

I walk to Starbucks and I arrive in a few minutes.

I see Hailey already seated. I slowly approach her and then when I'm behind her, and yes, I recognise her back, I put both my hands on her shoulders and I feel her jump and let out a little scream.

I drop my hands and I almost fall to the floor laughing.

"Oh my God! Sophie, are you planning on giving me a heart attack?" She asks holding her hand over her heart while I finish laughing.

"Hello to you too." I tell her and then she probably realises and jumps at me. Literally jumps, I have to hold her.

"Sophie, I missed you so much!" She says hugging me tightly and I hug her back too.

"I missed you too but remember, you were the one who left me so I have more rights." I tell her as we finish hugging and I take a seat.

"So, how were your vacations?" I ask her already knowing the answer. Duh! She's glowing...

"They were so good. He took me the first day to-."

"Hold that thought." A sudden appetite came and I have to go and buy something.

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