Cure Him

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This was requested by @Tsuki_Himeko

Waking up around noon, Taehyung let out a thick cough and rubbed his eyes. Usually he'd check the time but the only thing he could focus on was the pain coming from his body. He felt as though his achy throat was on fire itching uncontrollably and his head throbbed. Standing, he made his way to the tall body mirror in his room to look at this face. He gasped noticing red puffy cheeks, cracked lips, and watery eyes. He felt like shit. He swallowed hard and grimaced at the pain that shot through his throat.

     You never realize how much you swallow until your sick.. Taehyung thought to himself. Taking a step back he turned his head as the door opened and a bubbly and cheerful Hoseok entered his room. "Tae Tae..." Hoseok cooed making his way to attack his boyfriends face with kisses. He stopped in his tracks before cupping Taehyung's face in his hands. "What happened to you? You look like death. And it smells like sickness in here.."

     Taehyung just shook his head and strugged, trying to think of where he could've gotten this sickness from. "I think its just the flu.." He finally spoke, grimacing once more at his voice which cracked and squeaked. Hoseok grinned before placing a wet kiss against his forehead. "I'll take care of'll just have to tell Namjoon you won't be recording today.." Taehyung's eyes grew wide as he broke away from Tae and ran from the room. "That's today? I can't postpone that!" Hoseok watched as Taehyung brushed past the other members who were quietly going about their business and ran into the kitchen and began to dig through the cabinets.

      "I just need some tea..Something to wet my throat I'll be fine..." Taehyung spoke, partly in reassurance to himself. Hoseok just watched, not really wanting to get in the way of things. Turning he made his way into Taehyung's room and began to change the sheets. After emerging from the bathroom with a can of Lysol Hoseok was met by Taehyung walking into the room whilst chugging down a hot cup of what smelled like ginger tea. Staring at his lover with watery emotionless eyes Taehyung began to sing.

"We can't turn back..deeper, my chest hurts everyday.." Hoseok couldn't help but break out into a grin he'd been holding back for too long as he listened to his boyfriend sing the lines to Stigma. It soon faded once he realized Taehyung's expression was none other than pure sadness. "Did you hear that?" Taehyung spat before tossing the empty cup down on the soft carpet and lunging himself onto the bed.

      "It was great Tae.." Hoseok knelt down and began to rub his lovers back. "Great? There's like sixty five damn high notes in that one sentence and I can't hit one.. And then the live performance is in two days! Two days! You know how high my voice has to be to sound good on stage..?"

       "It's still good though..maybe you could take a softer approach to the song..I'm positive Army's would still like it. And I think you'll sound just fine on stage.."Hoseok said reassuringly. "Or you could wait until you're fully recovered..a few days late isn't too bad.."
The room was silent for a few moments before Taehyung let out a long deep breath and nodded against his now soaked pillow. He felt his body being lifted up and was eventually met with a beaming Hoseok. "Let's get you cleaned up, yeah?" He nodded softly as he felt his arm being tosser around Hoseok's shoulder. Dragging his lover to the bathroom Hoseok sat him down on the toilet and began to fill the tub with hot water. After he was done he turned to Taehyung and began to pull his pants off. Taehyung's eyes grew wide and his weak hands made their way to Hoseok's shoulders. "I'm a grown man Hobi.." He smirked and patted his lover's shoulders, signaling it was okay. Hoseok's just stood before taking a step back and turning towards the door. He stopped in his tracks as a grunt and a loud splash echoed throughout the tiny bathroom. He turned to see Taehyung, pants down, ass first in the tub with his hoodie, socks, and slippers all still on. "Okay..maybe I do need some help."

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