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((I'm gonna try something new. Tell me if I'm shit))

~Taehyung POV~
Looking up from my phone I noticed Hoseok looking around with his lunch. I smiled, waving him over. I watched as he happily made his way to me. "What'd you get?" I asked as he stood in front of me, the tray above my head. As he began to speak my attention drifted away from him when I noticed a tall boy with light orange hair staring at his ass. His ass! The last I heard from my love was a screech as I pulled him down onto his seat roughly. The metal tray banged against the table loudly. "What the hell?" He yelled out to me. I rubbed my temples slowly as he folded his arms and looked at me as if I was crazy.

~Hoseok's POV~
What is he, crazy? I unfolded my arms and ate slowly as Taehyung began to bombard me with questions. "Do you know him?" I looked in the direction he was pointing to a boy with orange hair whose attention was on a another boy with black hair in front of him. I shook my head and turned back towards my boyfriend. "I know of him. His dorm is down the hall from mine. I think his name is..something..joon." I nodded with certainty and continued to eat. "He was checking you out. Your ass to be specific." I started laughing. Hard. "I'm flattered." I spat out, not giving the attention much thought. "It happens..the lady cashier asked me if was I single." This news seemed to make Taehyung even madder. I forcefully removed my smile. "Baby..none of that matters. I'm happily taken. You know this.." I watched as his face softened. "I know. It's nothing." We sat in silence for a while until Taehyung was back to his normal self. Of course it was after the boy left and the girl's shift was over. I watched him with great pleasure as he laughed and talked. I loved this part of him..I hate to see it restricted because of what someone else might think.

~Author's POV~
Hoseok falling for someone else was one of Taehyung's biggest insecurities. No matter how many times Hoseok explained to him that no one else on campus made him feel secure Taehyung still had deep doubts. It wasn't in himself, he knew he was handsome. And it wasn't Hoseok, he knew that he loved him deeply. It was just other people..he didn't trust other people. He'd lost someone close before and he was not about to lose this one.

~Taehyung's POV~
Walking back to Hoseok's dorm we spotted the joon guy walking into his dorm with the black haired boy he was eating with. They looked like they were in a hurry and I noticed a smug look on the joon guy's face. I was glad to see Hoseok not giving it much thought. Walking into Hoseok's dorm we saw his roommate, a guy named Jimin, and a dark haired boy studying. Well..a little more than studying. The dark haired boy had Jimin's hair entwined in his fingers and was sucking deep pink hickies onto Jimin's light skin. I pulled at Hoseok's arm and whispered in his ear, "Let's just go to my dorm.." My words trailed off as the dark haired boy began to speak "It's no problem..I was just leaving." He kissed Jimin, shot Hoseok a sultry look, and brushed past me out the door. "Whatta playboy". I rolled my eyes, thinking to myself. Adjusting his clothes and looking rather flustered Jimin gave Hobi a weak smile and darted into the bathroom past me.

~Hoseok's POV~
Sitting down next to me on my bed Taehyung spoke. "Let's start going to my dorm more often..?" He said, resting his chest against mine. I gently played in his hair and as he spoke I felt his heart begin to beat against my own. "So that guy won't be all over you.." He motioned with his eyes towards Jimin's bed. I laughed and motioned my own eyes towards the bathroom. "He's already on someone else."
"I'm serious..." He whined. Rolling my eyes I sat up and dug my finger into his chest. "I've had enough of this Kim Taehyung. I understand that things like this make you feel a bit bad, but how the hell do you think I feel? What, do you think I'm unfaithful? How many times do I have to tell you, you stupid idiot? I love you!" I watched with anger as his eyes grew wide than incredibly soft with sadness.

"How many times..Hoseok..this is the first time you've said it.." I crossed my arms and looked away, tears forming. "I know. And I mean it." I felt a pair of warm hands wrap around me and heard a deep voice against my ear. "I love you too." Taehyung said simply. We fell asleep against each other before awaking two or three hours later.

~Taehyung's POV~
Waking up with Hoseok in my arms I realized it was getting a bit late. I shook him and placed kisses around his face and neck until he was awoken enough to speak. "I have to go love, I have a class. I'll catch you at dinner yeah?" He nodded slowly before beginning to wipe his eyes. I laughed as his head crashed back down on the pillow and he began to snore again. After tucking him in I made my way quickly to my Public Speaking seminar. Entering in the class I made my way to an open seat near the door as another student went on about crabs and how certain species are dying off at "alarming rates". I looked at the bright screen to see a small blue crab on it and noticed the joon guy with that same shitty smug look on his face. I found myself drifting off and felt extremely relieved I didn't have to present today.

~Hoseok's POV~
I woke up and looked around my dorm. My roommate was nowhere near so I began to peel off my clothes and prepare for a shower. Staring into the mirror I started to wish Taehyung was here with me. "God I'd love to shower with him.." I thought to myself. After drooling over the thought I quickly stepped into the shower. After washing well I couldn't get him out of my mind. Staring down at my erection I took it in my hand and let out a small moan. Jerking slowly I gasped as my thoughts went wild back to Taehyung. "F-Fuck.." I said out loud on impulse. I wanted more. Searching around the bathroom I finally found a small bottle of lube unscathed. I instantly thought of my roommate and figured he'd be too embarrassed to ask where his fucking lube went. No pun intended. Coating my finger I let out a soft moan and began to finger myself. "F-Fuck..Tae.." I couldn't help but moan as my knees bucked into my hand and my slender fingers explored my prostate. I went faster, harder, moaning against the shower wall. Each moan was a fragment of Taehyung's name. As soon as I began to imagine Taehyung giving me this pleasure I came undone, cumming all over the walls of the shower. I try to catch my breath, nearly slipping before gently washing my body and stepping out. As I pulled on clothes I contemplated sleeping again but I stayed awake and began to study, hoping to occupy myself until my lover came back.

Walking to his own dorm to shower and change Taehyung couldn't stop thinking about Hoseok's words. For the first time in months Taehyung couldn't care less about the joon guy, or the cashier, or anyone else. He loved Hoseok. So much so that he had no insecurities.

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