Baby Boy

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"Baby boy."Oh how he hated to be called that. Biting his lip Tae stood and walked from his room to Hobi's, his boyfriend's. Walking in he saw the hyung typing away at a laptop while music boomed throughout the room. "Hey." He said simply, wrapping his arms around Hobi's slender shoulders. Turning the music off Hobi wiggled from Tae's grip and turned to face him. Pulling him close and kissing his lips he spoke, a devious smile spreading onto his face. "Hey baby boy.." He bit his lip and leaned back. "Why do you insist on calling me that?" Tae pushed away from Hobi and began to pout. "What do you mean princess?" Hobi said, standing and pressing himself against Tae, pulling Tae's waist up onto his own. "I mean...with this hair, it fits." Hobi smirked and ran his fingers through Tae's soft pink hair and tugging on it a bit.

"No!" Tae shook his head and pushed Hobi away once more. "So what does that leave you as?" He stared up at his boyfriend, tempted to place his hands on his hips but not wanting to be any more feminine than as he was being portrayed as.

Hobi took a step back, smirking at his boyfriend. He was honestly enjoying all of this. "How about..daddy?" He laughed loudly and began to hold on to the other boy. "Oh you'd like that wouldn't you?" Said Tae sarcastically, walking away from Hobi.

"Very much."

"Well no way.." Tae shook his head and plopped down onto Hobi's desk chair. "How about a bet then." Said Hobi, certainly.

"A bet?"

"A bet. I win, you have to call me daddy for the night . And if you win I'll stop calling you baby boy."

Tae stood and shoved his finger towards Hobi. "And Princess!

"..And Princess."

"But why just the night?" Tae said, a small gasp escaping his lips as Hobi pulled him close aggressively and kissed his lips. "Because after tonight.. I think it'll stick."

Tae nodded his head before biting his lip and looking back up at Hobi. "So what's the bet?" His question earned a blank look from Hobi. "I don't know..but I'll figure it out. Besides..we have to get ready to leave soon. We're all going out to eat..remember?" Tae stomped his foot impatiently before walking towards the door. "Fine. But you better think of something quick." He swung open the door and stepped out of it before turning back to a smirking Hoseok. "No problem baby boy." He cursed under his breath before slamming the door and stomping off to his room.

After showering and dressing himself in loose fitting pants and a shirt Hobi bought him, he emerged from his room to see the other members gathering in front of the door. He didn't speak to anyone, just greeted them with a smile as he felt Hobi's eyes on him. The members gathered into the car and Tae made sure to find a seat well away from Hobi. Seated in the back next to Jin and Jimin he found himself drifting away as they made there way towards the restaurant.

About an hour later he was abruptly awoken by a sharp slap to his thigh. His eyes shot open and met with a smiling Hoseok. "Get up baby boy...I know you're hungry." He shoved his middle finger up at Hobi before hopping out of the van close behind him. As the members poured into the restaurant they were seated in a back room that yielded a large table with a built in grill. They all sat down and began to eat. Tae laughed as Jin eagerly placed steak and vegetables onto the grill. He watched as Yoongi argured with Namjoon over rap lyrics and found himself laughing again as Jungkook plucked a baby carrot away from Jin and shoved it into his nose. He finally turned his attention to Hobi. "So..have you thought of a bet yet?" He said impatiently.

"Hold your horses..we have all night don't we?" Hobi laughed as Tae began to pout. "Alright, alright.. I have thought of a bet." Hobi's eyes drifted over to Jin who was piling strips of korean steak onto Namjoon's plate. "I bet you..that Namjoon'll eat more Korean steak than Jin." Tae found himself bursting out with laughter. "You must not want to win this at all.." He stuck out his hand confidently and shook Hobi's. "Deal." No way Namjoon will eat more than Jin. It's Jin. Tae thought to himself.

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