Bad Boy

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All day Hoseok teased Taehyung. It started off seemingly innocent when Hoseok would gently grip onto Taehyung's thigh, or rub his knee. Those were innocent, Taehyung was used to those. He took those kinds of things with a grain of salt, a token of Hoseok's endearment or love. Then things progressed. Taehyung fought back the urge to pull Hoseok's hair back as he felt his boyfriend's hand creep up his thigh and eventually onto his crotch. After being palmed gently, while in the middle of a conversation, Taehyung didn't think there was much more the needy boy could do. Taehyung was mid conversation with Namjoon when Hoseok appeared in the doorway. "The hyungs from Weekly Idol want us to return for another episode." The taller boy spoke, catching most of Taehyung's attention. His eyes however, soon found themselves onto Hoseok who was standing in the doorway with his left hand on his crotch and the middle and index finger from his right hand deep in his mouth. He found himself staring as Hoseok sucked on the pair, trailing his tongue down the length of his middle finger slowly, all while gently rubbing himself over his pants and swaying his hips back and forth. Taehyung had to snap out of the trance as Namjoon raised an eyebrow at him and turned around. Just as quickly as Hoseok had began to put on this little show he slinked away from the doorway out of Namjoon's sight. "I'm sorry. I lost touch. I'll uh..we'll talk later?" He gripped his leaders shoulder and smiled before walking from the door quickly. You'd think it was over. But even throughout dinner Hoseok still teased his boyfriend. Gripping his thigh as he leaned across the table to grab the napkins. And even sitting back down onto Taehyung's lap and twirling his hips against Taehyung's crotch before pretending to be shocked and sitting normally. When Hoseok draped his leg across Taehyung's and ran a cold finger down his neck, Taehyung couldn't take it any longer. He waited until Hoseok left to use the bathroom and followed after him a few minutes later. As he neared the bathroom his dainty counterpart was emerging. Pushing Hoseok back into the bathroom and gripping his neck assertively Hoseok's giggle soon turned into a groan. "What's your problem baby?" The restrained boy spoke, squirming under Taehyung's weight with a pleased smirk on his face. "You're my problem." Taehyung spoke, gripping Hoseok's neck tighter before pressing his lips firmly into Hoseok's. This earned a small chuckle and deep moan. The boys stopped as they heard the toilet flush and turned to see Jungkook, eyes wide and face distorted. "Jesus..get a room." He washed his hands quickly before brushing past the couple. Taehyung licked his lips before pulling away from Hoseok. "This isn't over yet." He stormed from the bathroom and was soon followed by a red faced Hoseok. The night went on pretty mundane. The members ate dinner and talked as usual. It went by smoothly in Taehyung's eyes, being as though after the bathroom incident, Hoseok hadn't touched him anymore. A few more moments went by and the members were ready to go to the dance studio, where they would  be practicing for the rest of the night. As Taehyung and Hoseok joined the members they were stopped by a glaring Yoongi. "What kind of idiots are you two. And you," He pressed his finger into Hoseok's chest. "You of all people, unprepared." The couple stared at each other, down at themselves, and back up at Yoongi before realizing they were standing in blazers and skinny leather jeans. They rolled their eyes and ignored the laughter before being dropped off at the dorms. "We'll return for you in thirty minutes. We have to go back to the restaurant because someone left their belongings in the bathroom." Said an irritated Jimin whose eyes darted quickly to Jungkook. "Hey I had good reason!" The maknae shouted from the back of the van. Entering the apartment slowly behind Taehyung, Hoseok feared the worst. He bit his lip and walked into his room slowly, peeling off his clothes while searching for something more, practice ready. His boyfriend's deep raspy voice caused his spine to shake and his head to snap in the direction of it. "Hobi..Hobi..Hobi..." He shivered as hair was touched gently and then pulled back abrasively, his neck, a blank canvas. Moans slipped his mouth as he was attacked, his tanned skin now sporting light pink hickies along his Adam's Apple and under his chin. He gasped as he felt himself being pushed onto the bed.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" Said Taehyung, straddling his boyfriend and pinning his hands down above his head. "S-Sorry?" Hoseok let out a shrill yet nervous laugh. Taehyung's expression was blank. He sighed before standing and pulling Hoseok's pants with him. "Such a bad boy." He tossed them to the side and began to undress himself. "On your stomach." He commanded, pleased to watched as Hoseok obeyed. Without hesitation he pulled a small bottom of lube from Hoseok's nightstand, an act he had done, many times before. Within seconds he pressing himself into Hoseok, groaning softly as Hoseok's tight hole squeezed his cock. " tight." He gripped onto Hoseok's hips and pushed into him deeper. He knew he had found the right spot when Hoseok began to let out shrill moans. His shrieks were loud enough to wake the entire neighborhood. As Taehyung fucked into him swiftly he knew for sure the other members would hear, who were all away in the opposite direction of them. Hoseok let out a deep grunt and cried out into the bedsheets as moan after moan was pulled from him. He found himself damn near screaming as his neck was pushed farther into the bed and his ass was smacked a few times. "T-Tae baby..s-slow g-gotta.." He bit his lip hard causing it to bleed as his boyfriend did the opposite of his begging and pushed him down farther into the bed. He was quite certain it would break. After a few more minutes he came with Taehyung, loudly and all over the bed. Pulling out slowly Taehyung laid beside Hoseok and smiled. Hoseok sat up, making sure not to go to fast or he'd hurt himself. The boys stared at each other for a bit before the pleasant vibes were pissed on by the sound of an angry car horn. "Be cool will you?" He shouted at Taehyung before darting up to pull on his sweatpants. Pain shot through his legs and he fell back onto the bed. Taehyung laughed loudly before adjusting his shirt and buttoning his pants. "Hurry up will you?" He smirked, walking from the room and leaving a flustered, struggling Hoseok.

 "Hurry up will you?" He smirked, walking from the room and leaving a flustered, struggling Hoseok

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( pouty hobi )

( pissed daddy taetae )

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( pissed daddy taetae )

( pissed daddy taetae )

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( hurry up will you )

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