Chapter 1 : Away from home

Start from the beginning

I stopped right in front of the river wondering if it was too deep... I barely remembered how to swim, so I was worried about drowning.

"Damn it... the river is not that big... I can make it" I encouraged myself to get into the water. Once I did, I heard the pack reaching the clearing. The head alpha sprinted first in all his glory. His black fur glowed under the sunlight. I grew more scared and tossed myself further into the water trying my best to kick my legs and arms to move my body.

The wolves howled and growled at me for seeing me swim fast to the other side that already had humans here and there.

The alpha angrily growled jumping into the water with a few other wolves behind him. I tried not to pay attention to the big, scary wolves swimming after me. I tried to focus all my attention on swimming and reaching the other side that was getting too difficult to do. The current was getting stronger and it pushed my body under the water making me lose focus and to momentarily swallow some water.

I got worried because the stupid river led to a large waterfall and if I let the current drag me, it would take me right into the waterfall.

"Come on Changkyun, you can do it!" I muttered to myself trying my hardest to swim, but it all went to shit when the wolves caught up to me and two beta wolves bit into my sides to stop me from swimming further. I screamed in pain stopping my arms and legs from moving letting my body dip under the water. Blood started to spread around the crystal clear water and I just started to freak out because I didn't want to die right there. I fought the wolves that tried to drag me back to the other side's shore.

I grabbed a wolf and bit his nose so hard making him whimper in pain and let me go. I did the same to the other wolf that also whimpered in pain alerting the alpha that swam further than us. Both betas released their hold on me and I let the current drag me over to the waterfall for I was too hurt to swim on my own.

The alpha got pissed and growled when he tossed himself over to where I was going. He tried to grab me before I fell into the waterfall. But I was smarter, just when he was about to grab me I pushed myself away, falling down the waterfall. The alpha was then retrained by his two beta wolves so that he wouldn't fall.

I smirked when I saw the look of surprise in the alphas' eyes.

Ha! I bet he didn't see that coming.

Heh! bet he thinks I'm a suicidal moron.


But to be honest, I preferred to drown than being killed by them.

I closed my eyes when I fell into the waterfall. A nasty fall awaited me and I wanted to be ready for it.


So, refreshing.

I felt cold. 

A fresh breeze caressed my face waking me up from the unconscious state I was in. My mind was hazy when I opened my eyes to the bright sun rays shining right into my eyes. I closed my eyes for a little while feeling colder by the second. I soon realized that I was sprawled out on the shore.

I felt myself laughing because I couldn't believe I survived that monstrous waterfall. I should be dead.

How could I not have landed on one of those rocks?

A sharp pain shot through my body when I began to move. I flinched every time I tried to lift my body from the water, feeling pain stinging my right leg and the sides of my ribs.

~Away From You~ JookyunWhere stories live. Discover now