"Stay with me," He whispered. I smiled, softly pulling at his messy curls.

"I will come back, I promise." I whispered. With this, his arm loosened, and I was able to slip out, and walk to the bathroom. I fixed my appearance, and shuffled through drawers and cabinets, in search for a new toothbrush, hoping Harry wouldn't mind. Once I found one, I ripped open the package, and brushed my teeth quickly, eager to get back to Harry. I entered the room, to find Harry still dozing off. I shook my head and smiled, grabbing my dress and bra. I peeked over at Harry to make sure he was still sleeping, before clipping my bra on, under the t-shirt, and sliding the boxers off. They pooled at my feet, and I stepped out of them, before grabbing the rim of the black t-shirt, and pulling it over my head. I was standing half naked, with just a bra and underwear on, in front of a sleeping Harry, hoping he wouldn't wake up. I grabbed my dress off of the chair, and unfolded it, before unzipping the long zipper. A groan startled me, and made me jump.

"Really, Annabel?" Harry complained, his head falling back onto the pillow. I flushed a deep shade of pink, before realizing that I was still, half naked.

"Sorry, I'll uh, I'll change somewhere else." I covered up as much of my exposed body as I could, with the material of the dress. It didn't really help.

"No, no! I didn't mean it like that." Harry chuckled. I stayed silent, and confused. "It's morning. I still have morning wood, and you have to go and get naked infront of me. If I wasn't already hard, hell, I would be now." I could feel my cheeks getting hot, as this comment was made. "You're such a tease." Harry smirked, flipping the covers off of him, and walking over to me. My eyes slowly moved upwards to stay locked on his, as he got closer to me, his height towering over mine. The dress was still clutched to my chest, in attempt to cover up, but his hand slowly pushed mine down, leaving my arm dangling at my side, with a golden dress still fisted in my hand. "Don't cover up, ever. Especially if you're this beautiful." He whispered, slowly leaning in. My eyes fluttered closed as his lips touched mine. It was a short, and sweet kiss, yet I still had the sparks fire-working through my body. He pulled away, and smiled at me. "Now let me go get ready, while you change, otherwise I'm gonna be forced to throwing you on this bed, and fucking you if I stare at you any longer." He chuckled as he walked out of the room, leaving me wide eyed, and shocked at his dirty, yet sexy words.


I waited for Harry in his large kitchen, my eyes roaming around, until an alert sounded from my phone.

From Mark: So, am I still your date to the dance? ;)

To Mark: Of course! Here are the details:

The dance is at the end of this week, so Friday, June 29. It starts at 6 PM, but my mother would like to get there at 5:30, so you should plan on picking me up at 5. It'll be a good impression on my mom. It ends at 11:00 PM, but we can leave at any time. Thank you for doing this for me, it means so much!

I was a bit nervous about telling Harry about this, especially since he was the jealous type, and he already wasn't so fond of Mark, since the time he stole me away from him at the Ice Cream Parlor. As if on cue, Harry walked out into the kitchen, and I locked my phone, and put it under the counter, and in my lap in one quick motion. I watched as Harry made his way around the kitchen, reaching into cabinets, and grabbing stuff. His muscles flexed as he reached up high, and his stomach was exposed the slightest bit, showing a bit of his fern tattoos. I bit my bottom lip, just in case any accidental sounds escaped, revealing my thoughts about Harry.

"Annabel?" He spoke.

"What?" I snapped out of my daydreams, and into reality.

"Did you hear me?" He smirked. I could feel my cheeks turn pink for what seemed like the hundredth time that day, as I shook my head.

"No, sorry."

"What kind of cereal do you want?" He raised an eyebrow, his smirk still planted on his face.

"Oh, sorry," I let out a nervous laugh. "Anything's fine." He lets out a low chuckle, as he poured Honey Nut Cheerios in two small bowls.

"Milk?" He questioned. I nodded, as he followed through with the action. We ate, and talked about random things, until my phone sounded, interrupting our current conversation about whether the egg or the chicken came first. I was hesitant to check it, but we both heard the alert anyways. I pulled my phone up from my lap, and rested my elbows on the counter. I breathed a sigh of relief, when I realized it was just from my mother.

From Mother: I assume you're with Lilly. I just wanted to let you know, you have dress fittings at the bridal shop today at 1 PM. Hurry home, so we can get there on time.

"Who was that?" Harry questioned after he realized that I was finished reading.

"My mother. She wants me home soon," I explained, checking the time. It was already 11:45.

"I can drive you," Harry offered, standing from his stool, across from me.

"No, it's okay. My car is here, thanks anyways." I smiled, doing the same. I grabbed both of our bowls, and placed them gently into the sink, then washed my hands.

"Are you sure?" Harry spoke, walking towards me. I nodded my head, drying my hands on a paper towel. His tall figure now stood in front of me, looking down into my eyes. "So beautiful.." He mumbled, before cupping my face in his large hands. He leaned in, and my eyes fluttered closed again, as our lips touched. We moved in sync, and his tongue was cool against mine. I pulled away, the intimate moment still lingering in the air. We walked to the front door together, and I grabbed my heels by a strap, both of them hanging off of my index and middle finger.

"Thank you for everything." I smiled, as I stood at the front door, with one hand on the knob. He nodded, and took a step towards me, pulling my waist, causing me to stumble into him. I looked up into his electrifying eyes, to see a smirk planted on his face. He leaned down, and planted a sweet kiss on my lips, before pulling away.

"I want to see you later." He spoke. I nodded, and planted a kiss on his jaw, before backing away. I smiled and gave a small wave, before exiting the house. I walked barefooted down the driveway, and threw the heels into the passenger's seat, before climbing into the driver's.

The drive back home wasn't bad, it was an easy drive, with only a few red lights. The only thing that was torturous during that car ride, was my guilt. I couldn't help but feel guilty that I had to lie to my parents, and say that I was with Lilly, when in reality I was off with a boy that they haven't met. I pulled into the garage, and entered through the garage door.

"I'm home!" I called out, setting my keys on a nearby table, and approaching the staircase. My mother was at the top, just starting to walk down. She was dressed elegantly in a long black dress, with diamonds acting as a "belt." Her hair was in a bun, with loose curls framing her face, and dangly diamond earrings hanging from her lobes.

"Ah, good. You're home." Her red lips pulled into a smile, as she reached the bottom of the stairs, pulling me into a hug. She rested her hands on my upper arms, and stepped back as if she was examining me. "Why are you still dressed in this? Didn't Lilly lend you some clothes?"

"Uh, yeah. She did, I changed out of them." Again with the lies. I could feel the guilt building up inside of me.

"Okay, well hurry and get changed into something else, we have a fitting to get to, for the ball." I nodded, and headed up the stairs.

Here we go... I thought.


The next update will be pretty quick because i know exactly what's going to happen! enjoy!

OH and please share, vote, comment, anything to make my day!😊


Forever | h.s.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora