
"Go." I said stern. My jaw clenched and my arms crossed across my chest and I wasn't going to repeat myself, and he knew it. He sighed and rubbed his eyes.

"Thank you." He murmured. He turned around and walked out of the room closing the door softly behind him.

I looked at the computer and left it. I walked out of the room and walked towards this room where I would hold meetings at.

I walked in and I sighed. Some of my men were asleep with their heads resting on the table while some were leaning against the wall blinking slowly with papers in their hands.

When I closed the door behind me some looked towards me and their eyes grew wide, "Boss-it's not-" when others heard someone say boss their heads shot up and some men stood up fast but would grab their heads from getting up too fast. I raised an eyebrow and they stared at me with worry but neutral faces.

"Rest." That's all I said and they stared at me in confusion.


"I said rest. I've made you guys stay up for days and made you guys work for months to find this fûcker for my pleasure of killing him, which I didn't put in mind that you need rest as I've been resting to keep Mai safe. So, rest. I'm giving two days for you to rest, then I better see all of you working your asses off or it's your ass that's going to be blown off by my gun." They looked at me without saying anything and that's when I gave a nod and walked away.

Yeah, I let the plan of killing Vlad go through my head and I didn't even care about my health of my men. I didn't care that they were tired, exhausted, all I wanted was his blood on my hands and his heart dead, not moving.

But looking at how my best friend was, my men were. The state that each and everyone of them were, guilt washed over me and I couldn't help but let it show.

I walked back to the room and was about to walk in, but I turned around and walked back to the office.

I walked towards the computer and started to look through what ever Edward was, trying to figure out what he was.

All I've done was visit the sights my men would tell me that they found him at, or yell at my men saying why it's taking so damn long.

But Vlad loves to play a dangerous game with a demon.

He likes to taunt one, and once he make a slight mistake, I'm lashing out.

So I flip through pictures and videos and would pause at random seconds or zoom in or out of the pictures. I went back to sights that Edward still had open and I knew theses codes.

It was light post cameras or stop light cameras. All I would see would be random ass cars or traffic. Either or. Then I fast forward to some and it would show night time.

I was growing irritated because I didn't know what type of car he would have since he would switch everything up every god damn lead.

I'm fûckin finding you Vlad.


Look I'm sorry that I've been posting late and so far behind on my regular schedule.

I've been visiting different doctors telling me all these things about what seizers I have and all.

I would have work and then basket ball games faster and then the next morning it would repeat. The doctors said I'm fine to play sports but it's a fifty fifty that I might have one happen on the court.

So I've been stressing.

I'm sorry.

Book IG: friesbeforeguy101

Anyway see you guys soon..


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