Dark Russia x Reader: She's Mine

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Every time Ivan entered a room, everyone felt the temperature suddenly drop. This was no exception. He wondered into the World Conference with a bottle of Vodka in his hand and he was very late. No one dared comment on this, though. Everyone just continued talking as he took his seat and put the Vodka bottle on the table, which made everyone jump because the sound of it hitting the table was unnaturally loud. A few hours later, he surveyed the room, leaning on the table with his hand supporting his chin. He made no secret of the fact that he was bored, but everyone else seemed too pre-occupied with their own problems to care after the initial scare he had given them
"America, would you please stop eating! We can't understand a word you're saying!" Arthur complained
"I know my vocabulary can be intimidating ... I'll stop eating this insane pile of hamburgers now!" Alfred said
"Aiya, I'm surprised he hasn't had a heart attack, aru ..." Yao sighed
Ivan looked at Yao with a little smile, which the recipient noticed almost instantly. Yao looked horrified, and then proceeded to look away, quickly starting a conversation with the Nation next to him. Ivan chuckled. He loved the reactions of others when he gave them that sweet, innocent smile of his. He took pride in his ability to psychologically torture others, just by smiling at them. It was highly amusing ... especially when he winked at someone last time. They left the room so fast it made everyone's eyes water. Ivan looked around the room, looking for someone else he could pick on to ease his boredom ... then, he saw her. It was [Name], the pretty maid that served drinks at the meetings. Ivan liked her very much, but he hated it when he saw her talk to anyone else. He wanted her all to himself, which was why he always waited to be the last to leave the meeting so he could talk to her. But, that day was different. When Alfred left, she hurried after him, which made Ivan instantly suspicious
"Just like him to run out in the middle of a meeting. Lazy bastard" Ludwig growled
"Maybe he needed to use the bathroom, si?" Feliciano said, his amber eyes shining brightly
Ivan knew something was up. So he got up and left the room, saying he needed to go to the bathroom. He wondered around the building until he found a room with the door open a crack. He heard [Name]'s sweet voice ... and Alfred's which made his blood boil. He ventured closer and opened the door a little wider to find Alfred holding [Name]'s small, soft hands that Ivan had longed to hold for a long time
"You ... wanted to speak to me, Mr America?" [Name] asked innocently
"Please, call me Alfred"
"Ok ... A-Alfred. You wanted to talk to me?"
It pained Ivan to watch this. His face, once set like stone in an immovable expressionlessness, was now full of anger and hatred. He had not felt such fury in a long time
"[Name] ... I love you" Alfred said
"Oh, Alfred ... that's so sweet, but ... I don't feel the same way" She said, smiling
Ivan's smile returned and Alfred hung his head
"I ... I understand, but ... may I have one kiss?" He asked, smiling
She giggled
"No, Alfred! I'm saving myself for someone special!" She said
And with that, she bid him farewell and Ivan entered the room
"Such a shame, da?" Ivan said
Alfred jumped back a little in surprise
"R-Russia! You startled me!" He said, laughing
That laugh ... it cut through Ivan like a knife. That stupid mindless chuckle was the thing he hated the most about the brainless American. It made Ivan want to smash the twit's voice box
"I guess you saw me get turned down, huh?" Alfred chuckled
Suddenly, Ivan grabbed Alfred by the throat and pinned him to the wall
"Wh-what are you-?"
"Stay away from her. She is mine" Ivan growled, tightening his grasp
Alfred took hold of Ivan's wrists, trying to pull them off as Ivan lifted him off the ground
"Y-you're insane!" Alfred wheezed
"I don't like you very much. But you never hear me complain" Ivan hissed
Alfred's lips began to turn blue and his breath was becoming more and more desperate. His body shook as his need for oxygen became dire. Ivan ignored this because he wanted this annoying noise that he was hearing to stop ...
"Do svidaniya ... Comrade ..."


A month later, there was another conference, but in front of an empty seat was a little plant pot, filled with white lilies. [Name] seemed very badly affected by Alfred's death, but not as much as Arthur, who sat there, staring blankly at the table in front of him as Matthew comforted the distraught soul. Ivan still smiled, knowing it was he who caused the blissful silence. World Meetings had never been quieter but it wasn't the same
"Who knew I would be so quiet without America-kun?" Kiku said, hanging his head
"I miss him" Matthew mumbled
"I do, too ... such a pity I had to silence him for good" Ivan thought to himself
"I can't believe I was the last person to talk to him ..." [Name] said, starting to cry
Ivan looked up in surprise. She looked genuinely upset by the annoying American's demise, which only frustrated the infatuated Russian further. After the meeting was done, Ivan requested that [Name] met with him in the very same room in which Alfred had been found dead by Arthur. [Name] was most reluctant to meet Ivan there, but she agreed nonetheless
"You ... wanted to see me, Mr Russia?" She asked
"Da ... but please, call me Ivan" He said with a smile
She hung her head. He knew that this conversation was beginning to sound like the one she had with Alfred ... and it was clearly upsetting her
"Ok ... I-Ivan. Please tell me you're not going to tell me that you love me" She said
"Why not?" Ivan asked
"I don't want to lose you, too ... because I like you, Ivan" She said, shedding a tear
He smiled at this. He had been longing to hear you say that for a long time
"I assure you, [Name] ... you will not lose me" He said, approaching her
She backed away a little and he looked at her with a confused glance
"Do you not love me, like I love you?" He asked
She stared as he moved closer and stroked her cheek
"Will you not be my precious sunflower?" He asked
She hugged him tightly
"Y-you won't die?" She asked, shaking
"I won't die" He said, smiling
He held her and sighed happily
"You are mine now, da?" he said
"Y-yes ..." She breathed, crying a little
"I will protect you ... and no one else will hurt you. I promise" He said, stroking her hair
No one ever did find out who killed Alfred ... Ivan's fake smile fooled everyone. No one suspected a thing ... and he would carry the secret of Alfred's death to his grave ...

Thanks to swiftninja21 from devientart for her contribute to the book!

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