Chapter FiftyOne-It's Time

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Today, Harry and the boys were at the studio recording their new album. Eleanor was over, helping me with the things I will need.

"So, tomorrow's the big day?" She beamed. I nervously sighed and walked over to one of the babies empty cribs. "I guess so." I explained, straightening the stuffed animals into a triangle. "Are you nervous?" She asked, filling a drawer with diapers. I bit the inside of my lip and nodded. "I'm going to be in so much pain." Eleanor walked over to me and wrapped her arms around my shoulders. "Well, we're going to be there for you." I smiled and held my now rumbling stomach. "Are you hungry?" I asked. "But you just ate." I gave her the eye. "Eleanor, I am feeding three mouths." She shook her head in agreement. "True, what do you want?" I looked at the ceiling in thought. "A cucumber covered in peanut butter." Eleanor scrunched her nose in disgust. "Darcy, that sounds disgusting." She confessed. "No, it actually tastes really good." I protested. 

Once I ate my unusual snack, we began to walk up the stairs again. "How many more hours?" She asked as we walked back into the baby room. "I don't know, I hope it's in the afternoon. I won't wake if its at night." Eleanor grabbed a makeup magazine and sat in one of the rocking chairs. "This is a don't mummy look." She pointed to a picture. "This is a do mummy look." She added, pointing to a normal picture. "They look so old." I explained. "I know, it's weird." I got up from my rocking chair, and walked over to the changing table. All of a sudden, I am sweating bullets and I feel like my legs are getting ripped apart. "Eleanor, its time." I gasped, gripping onto the table. She silently screeched and pulled me out of the room. 

Eleanor was driving like a monkey high on bananas. "We're almost there!" She panicked. I was gripping onto my seat belt. "The boys!" Eleanor clasped her hand around her mouth when I said that. "I'll ring them when we get there." She promised. I began to breath heavily. Harry might miss the birth of his first children. Once she dragged me into the emergency room, she swiped out her phone and put Harry on speaker. "Its time!" She wailed. Harry swore under his breath. "Shit, I'll be there as fast as I can! Lou-" He hung up the phone. "Ma'am, please sit in this wheel chair." A man ordered me. I began to shake my head. "No, not until my husband is here." I explained, breathing deeply. "I'm sorry but it's a policy." He confessed. I again protested. "Please, just five minutes." I begged. Eleanor grabbed my head. "Darcy, do as the man says, he'll be here soon." She whispered. I closed my eyes and nodded. Just then, the boys came running through the doors. "Slow down!" A nurse nagged. Harry's face was white as a ghost. "Darcy, we're here, you're going to do great." He cooed, holding my hand and run with the wheel chair. I looked back and saw two nurses slowly walking the running boys behind us. Louis was first, obviously. 

We were led into a hospital bedroom. Doctor Banks and her nurses were already waiting. "Its time, isn't it?" She smiled, putting on plastic gloves. I nodded began to hyperventilate. I looked over at Harry who was putting on scrubs. "We're going to do great." He croaked, trying to hide the fear. I nodded and changed into my hospital dress. Once I was laid on the bed, nurses jabbed sharp needles into my thighs for a moment. "Epidural," a woman explained. Tears streamed down my face. "Hey, it okay." Harry grasped my hand. I nodded and felt a nudge in my abdomens. "Now, I want you to push. Can you do that?" The doctor asked. I looked at Harry one more time and began to push, my legs felt paralyzed. "Good job! You're doing great!" Harry cracked. He deeply breathed when I breathed, grunted when I screamed, he was really with it. I tilted my head back and screeched. "Theres the boy!" Doctor banks smiled. Once he was out, two minutes later, our girl came out. Harry and I began to cry when the nurses handed us our messy babies. At the moment I forgot all the pain. Right now, my babies were safely brought into the world. They were the two people I was to protect and love until death. I looked over at Harry who was now crying and kissing our girl. My eyes began to droop, I was so tired. She was definitely going to be a daddy's girl, no doubt about that.

"Aren't they just lovely, aren't they just beautiful, less than one minute old." Harry cooed. I opened my eyes and he was sitting in the chair holding our now freshly cleaned babies. "She has your eyes." I mumbled. He looked over at me and smiled widely. "He has your nose." I smiled and reached for our girl. "I love you little one." She opened her mouth and exhaled. "My lips." I gasped. Harry bent over and kissed them. "She is so lucky." He whispered. "What should we name them?" I asked. "Who do you want to name?" He asked. I looked down at our baby girl. "Can we name her Ivy Eleanor Danielle Styles?" I asked. He smiled and nodded. "What a lovely name," I grinned and kissed her soft little head. "Let's name our little boy, Louis Niall Styles." He nuzzled his nose softly on Louis's head. "I love it." Harry carefully crawled onto the bed and put his free arm around me. We switched babies. Louis was the biggest. His eyes were slowly opened and revealed my crystal blues. His soft hair would soon turn into light brown curls. "He's definitely got a mix of us." I explained as he wrapped his little hand around my index finger. "She's breathtaking." Harry mumbled, tracing his finger around Ivy's face. "She's the most beautiful girl I have ever seen." I explained. She had daddy's eyes and mummy's features.

About an hour later, our friends and family were allowed to visit. Louis and the boys knocked softly on the door and entered. They all gasped at the sight. "Have a seat." I smiled. Instead, they all stood closely. Louis was eying  baby Louis. "Do you want to hold him?" I asked. He exhaled and smiled. "Of course." He managed to get out. Harry handed Ivy to Niall who was making a bigger fuss than us. "Whats his name?" Louis cooed, playing with the baby's hand. "Louis Niall Styles," I explained. He stopped lightly bouncing the baby and looked at us. "Are you serious?" He  and Niall gasped. Harry and I smiled. "We're serious." Eleanor and Danielle walked into the room. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!" They jumped. Niall handed baby Ivy over to Eleanor and Louis over to Danielle. "What is the name of this gorgeous angel?" Eleanor asked. "Ivy Eleanor Danielle Styles," Harry announced. Their mouths dropped. "You're kidding right?" They gasped. We shook our head. "Nope..."

After our visitors left, it was time for us all to sleep. Harry snuggled into my bed and wrapped his arm around me. "We did great." He sighed. I looked over at him and kissed his softly on the lips. "Yes we did." That night, we slept peaceful and with smiles on each of our faces. 

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