Chapter TwentyTwo-Surprise

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The sun lightly shined across my face, causing me to squint. What a perfect way of waking up? I was still in Harry's muscular bare arms, his face was perfect when he slept. It looked like a baby face. I scooted closer to him and pressed my lips on his jaw softly. "I'll be right back." I whispered. Harry scrunched his eyes and nose and nodded. "I'll miss you, Darcy." Harry mumbled in his sleep. I silently chuckled and slid from under his arms. After closing the blinds tighter so Harry can sleep better, I ran down the hallway and down the stairs. I walked down the front hall and looked out the side window to see if Harry's surprise was out there. It was. I gasped and opened the door. After closing it, I looked at the tag and it said the package arrived ten minutes ago. I swiped my hand across my forehead, thank god it didn't freeze. I walked into the kitchen and carefully set the box on the kitchen counter. Looking inside the box, there was a small black kitten looking up at me, meowing. "Oh, Hello," I cooed, picking her up. The kitten was soft and cold. "Are you cold?" I asked. The cat just meowed. She seemed relieved. After kissing the top of her head, I walked into the living room and wrapped a small blanked around her. I again carried her into the kitchen and got a bowl of water and freshly bought cat nip. I placed her on the kitchen table and she began eating like Niall. "Woah, slow down sweetie or you're going to get a tummy ache." I explained, rubbing her small tummy. She gave a small burp when she finished. I giggled as she licked her mouth. "I've got to make breakfast." I said in a baby voice. She rolled on the table as if she were refusing. I picked her up and put her in a small basket which was padded in a small animal mattress. 

The kitten began pouncing in her basket when I began flipping ham strips. "I don't know if you can have ham." I explained. She began to meow and give me the kitty eyes. I sighed. "All right, just a little." She sat in victory as I have her a tiny strip of ham. After I finished the ham, I made pancakes shaped as Father Christmas. It was around 7:30 when I finished making breakfast. I took the basket and put her in the study. "I'll be right back." I whispered as I closed the door. The cat huffed and laid down. After I quietly closed the door, I walked up the stairs and into Louis's room. He and Niall were sound asleep. "Good morning, boys," I whispered, laying on the bed. Louis covered his head with his pillow. "Its time to wake up." I said, tickling behind his ears. Lo began to twitch. "Knock it off, Darcy." Louis grumbled. "Not until you wake up." Louis groaned and pulled the blankets over himself. "I'll try Niall then." Niall huffed and pulled the blankets over himself too. "Hey, theres some juicy ham and moist cinnamon pancakes down stairs with your name on them." Niall pulled the blankets lower to smell the aroma. "You can also have a siding of a chocolate muffin and chocolate milk. What do you think about that?" I smiled. Niall groaned and got up. "You are pure evil, Darcy!" He whined. I chuckled as he left the room. "Okay, Lou, I gave you five minutes." I explained. Louis grumbled and also got up. "You are so evil." He also explained. "Happy Christmas to you," I smiled. Louis smiled back and left the room. Next stop, Zayn and Liam.

Zayn was sleeping upside down on the bed with Liam's feet in his face. I slowly walked over to the bed and began to jump on it. "Happy, happy Christmas I hope your wishes come true! Happy, happy Christmas to you, to you and you!" Liam groaned. "There is only two of us." I laughed and pulled the covers off of them. "Get your nude bums out of bed or I'm taking a photo of them and putting them on Twitter!" I threatened. Zayn and Liam jumped and pulled the covers over their behind. "Good, I will see you down stairs in two minutes." I casually said, leaving the room, as I began to close the door, Liam and Zayn followed. They walked down the stairs and vanished. Now it was Harry's turn to wake up. I carefully walked into my room and closed the door. Inside was Harry who was still sleeping. I smiled at his angel-like face. After changing into a large gray cropped Bradford sweatshirt and dark blue jeans, I put on my necklace. It stood out from everything I was wearing. Just casually resting on the center of my upper rib cage as if it were any other day. I felt like a queen. It was now time to wake Harry up. I crawled onto the bed and laid on top of Harry with my knees on the bed and my hands supporting my weight. "Its time to wake up." I whispered into his ears. Harry grumbled. "Please wake up." I whispered, slowly rubbing his bare back. "If you wake up, I will kiss you?" I begged. Harry in haled and slowly opened his eyes. "Good morning, Love," Harry smiled, pulling a hair behind my ear. "Happy Christmas," I smiled, moving my weight onto my right hand. Harry smiled and pulled me into a kiss by my head. He sat up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. 

When his soft lips hit mine, sparks flew. I ran my fingers through his curly locks, causing him to groan. I smiled as he softly bit my lower lip. "I love you." He whispered into my neck. I blushed, "I love you too," Harry began to kiss my neck, going lower. "Harry, we can't." I explained pulling away. He cleared his throat and sat straight. "I'm sorry." He mumbled. I smiled. "It's not your fault." I explained. Harry twisted his lips and kissed my cheek. "Ready for breakfast?" I asked. Harry bit his lip and nodded. "By the way, Darcy, that necklace looks beautiful on you." Harry added. I smiled. "C'mon the foods going to get cold." I said, dragging him off the bed. When we got downstairs, the boys were staring at the oven as if it were a spaceship. "Need any help?" I asked. The boys turned their heads at me. "We don't want to get burned." Liam whimpered. "You pussies, how will you protect your family when your older?" I asked. The boys looked at each other, shocked. "We don't know." They all said at once. I gave them the eyebrow and walked over to the oven. "It's not even on." I said, taking out the food from it's warmer. The boys sighed in relief as they took out their plates. I put their breakfast on each plate and they walked off. After I grabbed a plate of my own, I heard a meow. "Did I just hear a 'meow'?" Harry asked. I tried to hide the surprise off my face. "No, thats my ring tone." I lied. Harry shook his head suspiciously. "I'll be right back." I said, running out of the kitchen. 

When I got to the study, the kitten was circling the door. "I'm so sorry!" I cooed. She meowed and jumped into my arms and began to purr. "Aw, you're a good girl." I smiled. "I'll be back in ten minutes." I promised. The kitty purred one more time and leaped out of my hands. "Stay out of trouble." I explained, closing the door. When I walked back into the kitchen, the boys looked at me strangely. "What?" I asked. "I like the ring tone." Louis stated. I bit my lip and sat down at the table. Once we finished breakfast it was time for presents. "To the living room!" Niall shouted, running out of the kitchen. I smiled and followed. When we all got there Niall was already piling up his presents. "So who wants to go first?" Zayn asked. I jumped in the air. "I have to do mine quick!" I explained, running into the study. When I opened the door, the kitten ran over to me. "Time to meet daddy." I explained. She rubbed up against me as I walked her out to the living room. "So this one is for harry." I explained, tilting the other way so he won't see. "Is it a lamp?" Liam asked. "Sadly, no," I sarcastically joked. "On the count of three," I explained. "One..." Harry began jumping. "Two...Three!" I announced holding up the kitten. Harry gasped and carefully took her out of my hands. "I get a pussy!" He squealed. The kitten rolled up into his arms. "She looks delicious." Niall said, licking his lips. "Don't eat my kitty!" Harry cried. I smiled and hugged him. "Thank you so much, Darcy." Harry smiled. I kissed him on the lips. "Anything for you," I said. The boys ran up to the kitten and began petting her. "What are you going to name her?" Louis asked. Harry bit his lip. "Elouise," he stated. "Lovely," I said. 

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