Chapter ThirtyThree-Confronting

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The next morning, all of us were sitting silent on the sofa. I was sitting very close to Harry with my head on his shoulder and his arm around me. "You guys are going to have to tell them soon." Liam explained. I closed my eyes and sighed. "I know, Liam, it's just that what if they don't agree?" I asked. Louis cleared his throat. "That is enough about worrying about what they think. They let you down when you needed them. Desperately. If they say no, screw them!" He announced. I smiled and got up. Louis extended his arms. "Thank you." I said, hugging him. "Anything for my baby-sister and future brother-in-law." "Know what?" I said, letting go. "We're going to tell them right now!" I announced. All the boys stood up and chanted. "Come on, Honey." I said, pulling Harry off the sofa. Harry grabbed his keys and we were off.

"Harry, I'm nervous." I explained, hugging my knees in the passengers seat. "I know you are, Love, and that is completely normal. To tell you the truth, I also as nervous. This is the first time I will ever meet them." Harry confessed. I smiled and rubbed his ear. "I'm very proud of you for agreeing. But who should we visit first? My parents are divorced." I explained. "So are mine, Sweetheart and that's okay. But who's the nicest?" He asked. I bit my lip and thought. "Uh, mum," she seems slightly sad when she kicked me out. I explained. Harry's expression went sorrow. "Okay lead me there." He said in a melancholy tone. I turned on the radio. Right now, Count On Me was playing. That was Harry and I's theme song. It represented all of our past. "Look, our song!" I cheered. He smiled and began to sing along with it. I pointed to a street and Harry shifted the car to the left. "Three more houses." I said unsteady. Harry grabbed my hand and squeezed it. "We're in it together." He whispered into it. I giggled and kissed his head. We were finally there. The house of my nightmares. Look at it with its prefect green grass with the cherry tree in front of the sidewalk. I could see my sisters small playground in the back. They weren't on it today. "Ready?" Harry asked, parking his car. I took a deep breath and nodded. Harry closed his door and opened mine. He took my now trembling hand and lead me to the door. "I knock, you speak?" Harry suggested. I nodded in agreement. We waited ten-seconds.

The door slowly opened. Inside was my mother. Her hair was the same shade of brown with the same style. Her expression went from friendly to regret. "Hi mum," I mumbled. She put on a small smiled. "What are you doing here?" She asked. "Darcy!" My little sister Phoebe cried, running to the door. She jumped into my arms. Wrapping her legs around my waist. "Phoe," I whispered into her shoulder. "Oh Darcy, I thought I'd never see you again!" She whined. "Darcy?" Lottie questioned. She ran to the door. "Oh my! Darcy!" She smiled, running over to me, hugging my side. "Lottie! You've grown!" I explained. "Well, no duh." My other little sisters came running to the door, Daisy and Felicite. "Mummy, why did Darcy have to leave?" Daisy asked, turning to mum. "Thats enough, Daisy!" She exclaimed. "Well, come in." She explained, opening the door wider. My sisters wouldn't get off of me. "I call sitting next to her!" Felicite announced. "Then I get to sit on the other side!" Lottie explained. "What about us?" Daisy and Phoebe whined. "You two can sit on my lap." I explained. They nodded in agreement. We were all situated. "So, what is it?" Mum asked. I reached over to grab Harry's hand. "Well, erm, we're getting married." I explained. A smiled spread across my mothers face. "You're joking, right?" I bit my lip and shook my head. "Well, congratulations!" She perked, hugging Harry then me. "So you're not mad?" I asked. She shook her head. "I'm just mad at myself." She coked. I set Daisy and Phoebe off my lap and walked over to her. "Hey, come here." I said, hugging. "I'll give you too a moment." Harry explained. "Would you like to join our princess tea party?" Phoebe asked. Harry put on a confused and doomed smile. "Why I'd be delighted!" He accepted in a royal tone. The two twins dragged him off to the kitchen. "We need to get you a dress and crown!" Daisy shouted. 

"Mum, I forgive you." I explained. That only made her cry harder. "Please stop crying, mum." I explained. She began to settle down. "It's just that I thought you would hate me?" She sobbed, wiping a tear away. "No, I could never hate you, you're my mother." I confessed. "But an awful mother. Every night, the girls ask for you to read them a bed time story, they know you're gone, they just wanted to torture me about it." Mum explained. "Please don't cry over this, right now is a second chance to start over." I explained. She wiped her eye again with her sleeve and nodded. "Yeah, you're right." She agreed. "Let's hang out sometime. I have to see dad." I explained. "Yes, of course." "I have to go get Harry." I walked into the kitchen and Harry was wearing my mums wedding dress and a plastic crown. "Why thank you, your highness, cheers." Harry classified, clinging his cup with my sisters. "What is in this?" He tried not to choke. "A little dash of glitter." Daisy explained. Harry choked but smiled. "This is delicious." I chuckled and he turned around. "Did you see all of this?" He asked. "Enough to know you love glittered tea." I explained. He blushed and hopped out of the dress. "Here is your lovely tiara." He handed it back. "Keep it, it looks dashing on you." They said in big girl voices. I laughed and walked over to them. "Sissy's leaving," I announced, bending over for hugs. They whined and protested. "Know what, we can have a play date at my house." I explained. They began to jump in excitement. "This weekend?" They asked. "Tomorrow," I agreed. They began to squeak and squeal. "Kisses and hugs?" I asked. They jumped out of their chairs and kissed both my cheeks and gave me bear hugs. "By Lottie and Fizzy!" I shouted. They ran down the stairs and gave me hugs. "You guys are coming over to my house tomorrow, okay?" I confirmed. They smiled and nodded. Harry and I walked out of the house.

We drove down the highway and into the neighborhood my father lived in. It looked completely different from my mothers. His had a little bit more land. "I'm even more scared." I explained. Harry looked over at me. "Why?" He asked. "He was the one to consider kicking me out." I explained. Harry frowned. "I don't like him already." He explained. When we pulled up to his driveway, he was outside, mowing the lawn. He pressed the off button. "Oh, you're here." He muttered. I smiled. "Great to see you too, dad." I explained. He looked to my side and saw Harry. "Ah, Harry my boy!" He smiled. Harry kept a straight face. "Hello, sir." He mumbled. "Anyway's, what do you want?" He spat. "Can we go inside and talk?" I asked. He thought for a second. "Fine, just for a moment, I have things I need to do." He lied. We all walked up the steps and he opened the door, inside, Georgia was sitting on the stairs reading. "Oh, hey Darcy!" She perked. I smiled and hugged her. "You said hello toy Georgia now get on with it." Father explained. I grabbed Harry's hand again. "Well, Harry and I are getting married." I explained. "Yeah, sure, like you'd ever have someone that good." Dad hissed. "Please sir, I'd like it if you didn't insult me and my fiancée like that?" Harry confronted. "I can speak to my daughter anyway I want to. After all, she does deserve it, that ungrateful bitch." My father spat out. A tear rolled down my cheek. "Well, we were just inviting you to our wedding." I sniffed. "I'll pass." Dad snorted. "As you wish, Louis will have the first dance." I explained. "Do you really think I would care, girl?" He asked. "Y-you're my daddy!" I cried. "Sadly!" He groaned. "Come on, Darcy, we're leaving." Harry dragged me out of the house. I wiped the tears away with my leather jackets sleeve. "Harry placed me in the car and he drove off. "He really hates me!" I cried. "Don't say that, Love." Harry explained. I sniffed and looked out the window. "You know what, it's his loss." He announced. "Yeah, you're right." I whimpered. "Want to go get a milkshake?" Harry asked. I nodded. 

When we got home, Louis could see the expression on my face. "What happened?" He cooed, hugging me. "Mum was happy and the kids are coming over tomorrow...But dad...He told me he hated me and he's not coming to the wedding." I explained. "I'll talk to him." Louis explained. I shook my head. "No use, I'm just going to go to bed, it's been a long day." I explained. Each boy gave me a hug and I walked up the stairs. Once I changed into my pajamas I soon drifted off into a deep dreamless slumber.

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