Chapter One-Meeting the Boys

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I was running around the kitchen with flour in my sunkissed brown hair. Today was the day that my older brother, Louis Tomlinson, and the other members of One Direction will be moving into my house. Crazy, right? Five boys and one girl, but hey, no more loneliness! I was making chocolate double dutch cupcakes, knowing that they were Louie's favorite. The sun shone through the tall glass windows, reflecting on the granite counter. Everything was perfect. The beds were made, every room was spotless, not for long, I wanted it to feel like home for the lads. After setting the cupcakes on the rack to cool off, the door bell rang. "Coming!" I shouted, setting the oven mitts down. Running through the cosy hallway, I noticed Louis's face poking through the door window. Same old Louis, nosy as ever. I giggled and opened the hazel wood door. Louis was standing in the middle of the porch with his hands in his red jeans. "Darcy!" He shouted, embracing me with a bear hug. "Lou, you're crushing me." I huffed, unable to breathe. Louis let go and gave me a kiss on the forehead. "Ah, what-what is this?" He asked, wiping flour off his striped shirt. "Oops, sorry Lou, I was making cupcakes and I didn't take my apron off." I explained, taking it off. I then gave my brother a better hug. "I've been so lonely here!" I said with sprit. Louis looked down at the ground in shame. After all, our parents weren't the best people in the world. Louis and I bought this house together four years ago before he auditioned for The X Factor. "Hey," I said, lifting his chin up. "The more I wait, the better it'll be." I explained, kissing him on the cheek. Louis was always like a dad to me. Weird right? "Oh my! I almost forgot." He gasped. Louis turned around to face four other boys. 

"Darcy, this is Zayn," Louis said introducing me to a tan boy. "Hey, Zayn," I said. Zayn gave me a small smile and stepped over near a blonde boy. Great, is it my smell? Louis pointed to a tall guy with saggy hair. "This is Liam, Liam this is Darcy." Louis beamed. I smiled and waved. "Hey Darcy!" He greeted me. Okay a nice outgoing one. Louis turned my shoulders over to a blonde boy. "Niall, this is Darcy." He said. I shook Niall's hand. "Last but certainly not least." Lou said stepping over to a boy. His brown hair was perfectly curled, tracing his strong structured face. He was beautiful. "This is my lovely Harry." He said, patting the boy on the back. "Hey Harry, I'm Darcy." I said, extending my hand. He reached for my hand but dragged me into his chest. "I'm a hugger! And what a pretty name." He said flirtatiously. I blushed at the ground. Man he was good. Louis pulled Harry away from me. Great, protective brother mode! I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Come on in, boys." I said, walking into the house. This is going to be...interesting. After shutting the door, a breeze flew in. It was the beginning of fall and the leaves were changing into extraordinary colors, such as yellow, red, orange. Colors fascinate me. "Would you guys like some cupcakes and hot coca?" I asked, walking to the kitchen. I ran over to the tray cabinet, after pulling out a dark green tray I set eighteen cupcakes on it. I quickly grabbed the hot coca canteen and put both the cupcakes and beverages on a larger tray. I walked through the kitchen door and was about to turn the corner into the living room when I heard Louis speaking in a low strict voice. Great he was probably giving them the talk. "Listen up boys, especially you, Harry. Darcy is off limits. When I mean off limits that mean no hugging for more than five seconds, no flirting and definitely no dating. Got it?" I heard the boys mumble in agreement. They seemed disappointed. "And no eyeing her body!" He added.

I huffed in embarrassment and walked into the living room. "Hey guys!" I said, setting the tray down on the glass coffee table. Each boy was sitting comfily on the cloth sectional. When I gave each a small plate, they hastily grabbed three cupcakes. I grabbed one and began to eat it. Louis gave me a grateful look, he knew that I made these sweets just for him. Looking at my phone, I noticed that I got a text message from my boyfriend, Blaine. We've been together for three years. He and Louis hated each other with passion. At first Blaine seems like a, you know git. But once you get to know him, I guess you might get along. "Hey, I have to go meet up with Blaine." I said, patting Louis on the back. He grunted and set his sweet down. "You're still with that arse?" He asked in disgust. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Don't call him that." I mumbled. "I have the bloody right to call him that!" He said, raising his voice. "He's a disgusting pig, who just wants you for-for sex!" He shouted. "He has no manners and respect what so ever. I've never seen him not drunk and plus he's abusive!" He roared. My phone beeped again. Blaine is very impatient. "We'll talk later. I love you." I said, grabbing my brown jacket. I grabbed Louis's head and kissed it. "Bye guys. I'll see you later." I said, grabbing my car keys. I couldn't leave Blaine, he just needed to improve on his manners thats all. 

I pulled up to Blaine's flat. He was leaning impatiently against the door, running his fingers through his extremely shaggy brown hair. I parked my car and hopped out. God, I wish he wasn't going to try to have sex with me. I want to wait until marriage. And yes I'm still a virgin. My virginity is very special to me. I walked on the gray pavement over to where he was waiting. "Hey," I said hugging him. He smelled of whisky. "Hey sexy," He groaned, groping my butt. I huffed and let go of him. "What do you want to do today?" I asked. He licked his lips and moved closed. "I'm thinking of something." He said. I giggled and kissed his shadowed cheek. "You know I can't do that." I whispered. He groaned and dragged me up stairs to his room. Inside it was a mess. Beer bottled were scattered across his floor, he could help it. Blaine was an alcoholic for six years. He is seven years older than me, making him twenty-four. "Blaine, guess what? My brothers back from his touring." I said in excitement. He was tightly actually too tightly holding me when I told him that. "Ugh, him?" He asked in disgust. My smile vanished when he said that. "Yeah, but you're happy for me, right?" I asked. He nudged me out of his embrace and kicked back on his beat up couch. "You could do better. After all he is a pretty boy." He muttered, taking a sip out of his green beer bottle. I wanted to slap him right across the face when he said that. But I would get punished if I did. To Blaine, I didn't have rights. I had to do whatever he told me to do. Clean his home, get him more beer and cigarettes with my own money I earned working at a book store. I didn't make much money either, so when I didn't have enough money for his entertainment, he would usually slap me until I bruised. He told me that if Louis ever found out, he would rape me. Rape me? "Hey babe? More beer!" He demanded while I was trying to snuggle into his tattooed chest. I sighed and got up, I walked over to his refrigerator and grabbed him yet another beer...

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