Chapter Two-Getting to Know One Direction

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It was almost night fall when I was driving home from Blaine's. My small BMW pulled into the driveway of my home. Louis was sitting in a rocking chair on the porch. I waved and got out of my car. He looked nervous. Well, what big brother wouldn't be? He stood from the white chair and gave me a hug. This hug was like as if he hadn't seen me in a year. "Were you safe?" He asked into my shoulder. I nodded my head and we walked inside. I heard three voices arguing. "Who stole my turtles?!" It sounded like Harry. "Oh Lord," Louis mumbled. We walked into the living room and Harry was on innocent Zayn's back. I slightly giggled while Liam was making funny noises while playfully trying to pull Harry off. "Harry, calm down! I put your collection in the kitchen." Louis said, helping Zayn up. Niall was rocking back and forth in the corner of the living room, snacking on a bag of crisps. "It's okay,  Niall. Mean old Harry won't hurt you." I said in a baby voice. Harry gave me a fake hurt expression. Niall smiled and got up. Louis carried an orange box back from the kitchen and handed it back to Harry. "You're okay my preciouses!" He said, petting furry stuffed turtles. I giggled while holding my index finger to my lip. Having the boys around with their chaos made me much happier than usual. It hasn't even been three hours and I'm already comfortable with them. Harry took his eyes off the turtles and looked at me. His green eyes reminded me of lily pads. I smiled down at the ground. What was going on? I have a boyfriend and I possibly can't like Harry! He's a flirt! Louis cleared his throat and had every one of us sit down on the couch. 

"Okay, since there are only three bedrooms in this house, we all will have to share rooms." Louis explained. "So Darcy will sleep with me. Okay?" We all nodded. Except for Harry. "Is there something you don't understand, Harry?" Louis asked. Harry put his hands between his legs and slouched. "Maybe we should all take turns sleeping with Darcy. To you know, get to know each other?" He explained. Louis sighed and sat back in the couch. "I don't know Har-" He began. "We all need to get to know each other." He again explained. Louis slouched forwards and put his head in his hands. "Fine. But if there is any funny business, then she's sleeping with me. Got it?" He asked. Everyone nodded their head. Louis actually agreed to this? I looked at the clock and it was eight o'clock. "I forgot to feed you guys!" I said, bouncing off the couch.

I ran into the kitchen and grabbed a package of steak from the freezer. After marinating it and putting it in the oven, I mashed potatoes. "Niall! Potatoes!" I shouted over my shoulder. Since he was Irish he would probably go crazy. I hear Niall run into the kitchen and grabbed an extra raw potato and bit right into it. "Niall!" I laughed as he finished it and casually walked back into the living room. Once the steak was done I walked over to the dish cabinet. I bent down to grab six plates. "Need any help?" I heard a voice ask. I jumped as I turned around and dropped a plate. Shards of the plate splattered everywhere. I looked up to see Harry with his mouth wide open. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to surprise you!" He said, running to the nearest closet and grabbed a broom and towel. "It's okay." I said with a smile. For some odd reason, when I'm around that boy, I smile. Wait! Snap out if it! "Whats going on in there?" Louis shouted from the living room. I heard his footsteps and he gasped. "Harry, what did you do!" He exclaimed. Harry gave him a really look. "Louie, it wasn't Harry. I dropped it." I explained while washing the excessive dust off my hands. Louis nodded. "I'll clean it up, Harry." Louis muttered. Shooing Harry out of the french styled kitchen. "Are you okay, Lou?" I asked, putting steaks on each plate and a small leaf of basil on the center of the steak. "Yeah, why?" He asked, setting forks and knives out on place mats. "You just seem..." I trailed off. After putting the mashed potatoes on the side, I shouted for the boys. All four of them ran in and took a seat. 

Liam pulled my chair out for me. "Why thank you, Liam!" I said. Louis gave him a stern look. Harry occasionally glanced over at me, I blushed and looked down at my plate. Around the fifth time, Louis caught on to Harry's routine and kicked him in the shins. I nudged Louis's shoulder, telling him to say sorry. "Sorry, my leg twitched." He mumbled, going back to his steak. "So do you guys like it here so far?" I asked. They're mouths were full of food so they grunted and nodded. I smiled and went back to my potatoes. After all the boys had seconds, dinner was over. We laughed and talked the whole time. "I'll help with the dishes if you want?" Harry asked. Louis walked over and patted Harry on the shoulder. "I've got it, Harry." He said. "Well, I could use both your help." I explained. "Harry can wash the dishes and Louis can dry them. I'll wrap the left overs." They both nodded. I walked over to the mashed potatoes bowl and began to put it in a plastic container. From time to time I saw Louis slap Harry across the head with a dish towel when he wasn't concentrating. "Are we all done?" I asked. The both nodded. I looked over at the cat clock and it was ten o'clock. "Oo a pussy clock!" Harry shouted. I gave him a raised eyebrow. "A kitty clock, I mean." He added. I ran my fingers though my hair and laughed. "I'm off the bed." I said, smiling. "Where should I sleep?" I asked. "My bedroom, tonight," Louis explained. I nodded and left the kitchen. As I began to walk I hear both of them talking. "I'm warning you, Styles." Louis muttered. "I would never, Boo Bear." Harry said. "I'm not Boo Bear right now. Right now I'm big brother." "That is my baby sister, up there!" He added. I held my ear to the door. After hearing Harry sigh, Louis opened the door. "What are you doing, Darcy?" He asked with a concerned smile. "Um, um? Checking the door hinges!" I lied. Louis gave me a funny look, meaning that he knew I was a bad liar. Harry gloomily walked past us. "Whats wrong with him?" I ask. Louis sighed. "He's just tired." He explained.

Louis and I walked up the stairs to his bedroom. I opened the door, inside it was the same way he left it. But of course I picked it up. "My sweet, sweet bed!" He shouted running towards it jumping and landing. I held my sides and was laughing. "Same old Louie!" I giggled. After I finished laughing I went over to my bedroom which was just across the hall. Inside was Harry and Liam. Liam was knocked out, spread across the middle of the bed laying on his stomach, wearing ugh nothing but socks. Thank sweet baby Jesus that my turquoise comforter was wrapped around him. I leaned on the door frame while watching Harry's back which was turned from me. He was standing by my desk, looking at pictures and smelling my perfumes. "Cute, aren't they?" I asked. Harry jumped in surprised. "Revenge." I said smiling. He gave me a warm smile back. I walked towards him. "They're very pretty." He said, pointing to my drawings and photos. "Thanks." I said, sitting on the bed. "Did you draw this?" He asked pointing to a drawing of Marilyn Monroe. I nodded. He looked closer. "Its perfect, really. The shading is very accurate." Harry explained, sitting next to me. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. "I'm really sorry about how Louis is acting. He's being a real jerk." I added. Harry gave me a dimple smile and pulled a hair behind my ear. "He's your big brother, he's suppose to protect you from the world." Harry whispered. I nodded. "I guess you're right, but he chases everyone away." I explained. Harry nodded, agreeing with me. I sat up and walked over to my dresser. I pulled out a tank top that said your boyfriend says hi in the color pink with a pair of black shorts. "Nice saying on the shirt, Love," Harry said. I smiled at him. His eyes were twinkling. "Good night Harry," I said. He winked at me. Darcy you can't do this, you have Blaine! I sighed and closed the door. 

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