Chapter20-If They Attack,Just Lay There,Play Dead Dear

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Jacob's (Ashley's Grandfathers) P.O.V-

I watched with a smirk as Ashley finally gave in and sunk his newly regenerated fangs into the blood bag..Third times the charm I guess..Seeing how disappointed in himself he looked as he consumed the Neko blood, I smirked and knew he was ready to be injected with the virus...The one that insured his 'love' would have no escape..

Andy's P.O.V-

Sighing,I laced up my converse and stood in front of the mirror. I looked terrible,I had bags under my eyes from lack of sleep and I couldn't be bothered with any makeup or hair styling..It hadn't even been 24 hours since he hadn't shown up but I couldn't help but act like this without Ashley around. I was worried,to say the least and all I could do was hang onto the feeling of the last time I felt Ashley's lips against mine.

I pulled a beanie over my hair, to cover my ears, and trudged down the stairs to see my mom waiting by the door. She smiled sadly at me before we walked outside and to our car.

Tears fell down my face as she drove,my voice cracking every time my mom asked for directions to Ashley's house..I miss him so much and I can tell the baby does too,she/he's constantly kicking softly at the side of my stomach and I know it's their way of crying for their father.

We pulled up outside the gates to Ashley's house and I began to shake. I don't know what to expect when I walk in there..will Ashley be there safe from harm or will his grandparents be the ones harming him?

Stepping out of the car,my mom grabbed my hand and we began walking up the long woodland drive to the house.

"Wow.." My mom said as his grandparents' large manor house came into really was a beautiful estate.

I gripped her hand tighter as we got closer,my breath catching in my throat as we stood on the doorstep.

"Are you gonna knock or should-" My mom began but was cut off by the loud sound of my fist connecting with the ageing oak wood of the door as I had a sudden burst of confidence.

However that vanished and I was soon gripping my moms hand again in fear. I swear my heart stopped when the soft thud of footsteps could be heard on the other side of the door;even more so when it slowly creaked open..

"Hello,Andrew..I assume this is your mother?" Ashley's grandfather stood before us in the door way,wiping a dark red liquid from his hands with a washcloth.

"Hi..This is my mom but I was wondering-" I began speaking but was soon cut off.

"Ashley's downstairs,I assume he's the reason you're here?" Jacob spat out his grandsons name as though it was the deadliest of poisons.


"Then why don't you go down there and your mother can keep my wife company in the kitchen,whilst I tend to things?" His voice was horrible,it was rough and like sandpaper to my ears.

"Sure..I guess.." I looked down and sighed as my mom gently tugged my hand,urging me to follow her into the house.

I kept my gaze to the floor as they began to speak "Now,Miss Biersack if you'll accompany me, I'll show you to the kitchen..Andy,you wait there until I show you where to go."

"Bye Kitten." My mom said as she kissed my forehead and released my hand,her high heels clicking as she trotted after Jacob.

Looking up for the first time since we'd entered the house,I pushed back tears as I remembered all the times Ashley had brought me here...He'd always get really nervous when we were around his grandparents..and always make an excuse for us to leave the room so he could hold my hand and give me sweet kisses. Closing my eyes,I pressed my finger to my lips and tried to remember the feelings Ashley would fill me with when his lips touched mine..

"Andrew!?" The sharp tone of Jacob's voice broke me from my trance and left me full of fear before the elder vampire.

"S-sorry.." I mentally cursed myself for stuttering,again,refusing to look up at him.

"I'll show you to where your boyfriend is.." He snarled before his hand clamped around my upper arm and practically dragged me down corridor after corridor.

How?...How did he..find out?

Eventually,we reached a metal door and he motioned for me to open it. Jacob left almost instantly..but not before he could spit at my feet and call me 'Neko scum'.

Once he was out of sight,I gripped the cold door handle and twisted it,pulling the door open as the rusty hinges let out a loud screech. My heart jumped in my chest as I saw the steep set of stairs that led downward. Carefully,I set foot on the first step,gripping the banister for dear life. I cautiously continued my decent down the small,stone stairs until I finally reached the bottom,which left me at yet another metal door.

"Here goes nothing.." I whispered to myself as I grabbed the handle and entered the pitch black room.

Feeling around on the walls,I finally found a light switch and the lights slowly flickered on,revealing a small,familiar figure sitting on a wooden chair,facing away from me and seemingly staring at nothing.

"Ashley?" I said cautiously,terrified of the one person that once swore to protect me....

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