Chapter7-We Don't Belong

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Ashley's P.O.V-

"This can't happen." Was only one thought running through my head as I kissed Andy.

I'd gone into the forest to hunt before I spent the night at Andy's. I never feed off humans despite what my grandparents say. I eventually found a deer but as I was drinking it kicked me in the stomach so I had to snap it's neck.

When I first saw Andy on top of that cliff,I thought he was going to jump but I felt his presence and how peaceful he was...I saw his beautiful cat ears and long tail. He seemed even prettier than before...and now here I am having possibly the best kiss of my life...

Andy's hands moved up and tangled in my hair,deepening the kiss. I couldn't let this and Andy can't be together..I won't end up like my parents.

"Mmmm..n-no.." I pulled away reluctantly and saw I had smeared deer blood on his lips and chin "No."

"W-what do you mean?" Andy asked and I could practically see his heart break behind his eyes.

"We can't do this-I can't be with you. Your a...and I'm a..." I stuttered nervously,unsure of what to say.

"Your a what?" Andy asked.

I closed my eyes and felt my fangs extend. When I reopened them,I flashed a nervous smile to show him my teeth.


"Well..ermm as you can probably tell I'm a-"

"Neko." I cut off his sentence,already knowing the answer.

Andy nodded and moved closer to my body. I wanted him so bad but I knew I couldn't. My grandparents are a big deal in the 'vampire world' and there are rules that they live by. Vampires can't have relationships with anyone outside their race. The elder vampires see themselves as higher beings and that other creatures and especially humans are beneath them.

"A-Andy..we can't.."

"Why? Ashley,I know that kiss didn't mean nothing. I felt sparks and I know you felt them too!" He was right,I did but it's wrong!

"I felt them too.." I sighed and sat down in the grass,wiping the small amount of blood off my face with my sleeve.

Andy sat next to me and wrapped himself in his tail,his ears flat to his head. He looked generally upset and I felt bad for being the cause of that.

"I don't know what to do.."

"About what?" He asked,we didn't make eye contact,just stared straight ahead at the scenery.

"About this,us. It's more complicated than you think Andy. I can't just kiss you and have what I've wanted since the moment I saw you,it doesn't work like that....My parents were like us,my mom a Vampire and my step dad a Neko. I was only a baby,a pure born vampire from her first marriage when they both died. My grandparents had them killed. Relations like that are forbidden and they gave her a choice,she either ended it with him and he got killed..or they died together. My mom loved him more than anything and took the second option..I understand why my mom did it more than anything,she was immortal and what's the point of living if you can't be with your true love?"

"Ash..I lo-....I understand completely.." I looked to my left and saw tears streaking down Andy's cheeks.

"Andy I'm-"

"No,it's fine Ashley. Really,I think you should leave. I just want to be alone right now."

"But what about-"

"Leave me alone!" Andy sobbed loudly and buried his head into his knees.

I didn't want to leave but I can't stand to see him like this. Getting back onto my feet,I took one last look at Andy before heading back into the forest.

Once I was fully out of site, I finally let my tears fall. I have nothing against my grandparents but why are they such assholes!? They killed their own daughter over some fucking rule and they'd do the same with me! I'm proud of my mom for what she did and I know she'd want me to do the same....

I'm in love with Andy,I realise that now and I would die for him.

That thought in mind,I spun around and began sprinting back though the forest. I have to tell him,I have to tell Andy I love him.

Andy's P.O.V-

I sat there a cried into my knees uncontrollably as I thought of Ashley. I love him. I've not known him very long but I know that,that kiss was special.

Standing,I walked over to the edge of the cliff again. I looked down at the steep drop and felt a tear slide down my face. For a split second I thought about jumping,how easy it would be to-

"Andy!" I ignored him and continued to stare out across the ocean.

"Andy.." I heard Ashley again as a soft hand intertwined with mine.

I went to turn around but my foot slipped over the edge of the cliff. As I was about to fall,Ashley pulled me back up and pressed my body against his. I could feel his warm breath on my lips. I looked into his eyes and I was in a daze.

"I'm in love with you Andy. I don't care about any of the consequences,I would die for you Andrew Dennis Biersack." Ashley whispered,a single tear slipping down his cheek.

"I love you too Ashes. Since the moment I met you I've loved you and that will never change."

He leaned in and captured me in a passionate kiss. Our lips moved in perfect sync against each other. My arms wrapped around his shoulders and his wrapped firmly around my waist. We were still stood on the edge of the cliff but we didn't care;nothing else mattered but the perfectness of the moment me and Ash shared.

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