Chapter30-Sweep Me Off My Feet

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Check out my new Andley, You And I! You'll love it!~AshleyPandyxx

Andy's P.O.V-

I couldn't stop panting as I laid my head on Ashley's chest and snuggled up to him.

"Wow.." Ash gasped "You're amazing kitten..."

Wrapping my legs around him, I made sure we were as close as possible and looked down at the gorgeous ring on my finger..

"I've wanted to ask for so long..but I was too nervous." Ashley whispered, smiling sadly.

"I would've always said yes baby, I've loved you from the moment we met.." I replied and thought back to that day in my mind, I remembered it like it was yesterday.

"Yeah, you knocked me flat on my ass!"

"I always knew you were the one."

"You were always able to knock me right off my feet." Ash laughed.

Short chappie! I know! But just wait till the next chapter my lil Pandycats!~AshleyPandyxxx

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