Chapter14-Your Poison

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Ashley's P.O.V-

Andy's head nuzzled into my chest as I held his body against mine. I ran my fingers through the silky fur of his tail and smiled at the sound of his soft purr. He looked up and kissed me passionately before pulling back and gazing at me with his beautiful,wide set of blue eyes.

"I love you." Andy whispered and dragged the tips of his fingers down the side of my face.

I moved into his touch and replied "I love you too.."

His lips met mine again and I fell into pure bliss. I grabbed his waist and rolled us over so I was on top of him. Leaning down,I kissed him gently before chewing and sucking at his lips ring. His constant moans of pleasure made me smile and I wanted to hear more.

Andy's P.O.V-

I sighed as Ashley dropped me off at home,not wanting the date to be over so quickly.

"At least I get to see him at school tomorrow." I thought to myself as I unlocked the door and stepped into our cramped hallway.

"Mom?" I said,walking into the living room and seeing her staring out of the window..right where me and Ashley were just stood.

"Oh,hey! I was just ermm.." She rambled,searching for a decent excuse.

"Stalking your sons relationship?" I laughed.


"...I'll pretend I'm not creeped out right now and go shower.." I giggled and pulled my phone out of my pocket as I trudged upstairs.

Walking into my bedroom,I stripped off my shirt and began blushing madly. I looked down at my chest to see bright red hickeys covered the skin. My phone vibrated in my hand and a text from Ashley flashed on the screen.

Ash-Hey,I'm home xxx

Me-Hi and good. Just a little note,I look like I've got chickenpox because of all the love bites you've left on my chest! xxx

Ash-Sorry,baby but at least you haven't got a massive one on your neck! So thanks for that xxx


Ash-It's fine,babe. I've gotta go but I'll see you at school tomorrow. Love you xxx

Me-Bye,love you xxxx

I threw my phone onto my bed and walked into the bathroom. Unbuttoning my jeans,I let them fall to the floor and stepped out of the material before turning on the hot water. I waited for the shower to heat up and jumped in,relaxing as soon as the water hit my skin..I was in there for longer than usual,just thinking about Ashley..

Suddenly,a searing pain shot through my stomach and I had to grab onto the wall for balance. I closed my eyes and tried to stay calm as the pain worsened then began to fade. It felt like something was moving in my gut..I finished washing and carefully,got out of the shower. There was no more pain but it was still incredibly uncomfortable. I pulled on some loose fitting boxers and a vest to cover Ashley's artwork before trudging down stairs to say night to my mom.


I woke up at 7:00 in the morning,only to realise that I was panting and had sweat beading on my forehead. A sudden movement in my stomach had me running for the bathroom and leaning over the toilet bowl. I vomited violently for a couple minutes before remembering I had to go get ready for school. I know I should probably have the day off but I really want to see Ashley,even if it means I make whatever is wrong with me worse.

Brushing my teeth numerous times and using mouthwash,I threw on some random clothes and did my hair and makeup hurriedly.

"Andy,are you up!?" My moms voice called up the stairs.

"Yeah! Be down in a sec!" I shouted back as I pulled on my vans.

I grabbed my black backpack from the floor and ran downstairs. Something kicked against the side of my stomach and I nearly fell over at the sensation.

I clutched the side of my stomach and took a deep breath before stumbling into the kitchen.

"What's wrong? You don't look too good,kitten.." My mom asked upon seeing me.

"..Yeah..just a little dizzy I guess.." I mumbled as I began raiding through the kitchen cupboards.

"Okay,well,I'm off to work-" She began and kissed me on the cheek "..see you when you get home from school!" Her voice vanished as she walked out of the back door.

I sighed and looked down at my stomach. I'm really hungry but I'm not really sure what I-PEANUT BUTTER!! I want Skippy's extra chunky peanut butter! Throwing open every cabinet in the kitchen,I searched madly for the jar I craved. Finally finding it,I dropped it onto the kitchen table and pulled out a large spoon.

"Mmm.." I practically moaned as I shoved a spoonful of peanut butter into my mouth.

It's a little strange,I've never liked peanut butter before but for some reason I really wanted some right now...weird.. I looked up at the clock and my eyes widened,I had ten minutes to get to school. Shit.


I breathed heavily as I ran up to the school gates. Seeing Ashley sat on an old bench in front of the main entrance,I jogged up and sat down next to him. No one else was outside anymore,just a couple of teachers and care takers,so it didn't really matter how we acted.

We never really talked about how we'd act at school,if we'd even tell people about our relationship or just keep it a secret.But as soon as I remembered what the dick,Adam,did to Ashley,I already realised the answer.

"Hey baby!" He smiled and hugged me,squeezing my stomach so tight that I groaned in pain.

"H-hi." I stuttered, placing my hands on his chest and pushing him away gently.

Hurt flashed in Ashley's eyes and I knew I had to explain quickly.

"Oh no,hun! It's nothing against you,I just keep getting these really bad stomach pains and you squeezed a 'lil too tight." I explained,kissing him softly on the lips.

"I thought you were mad at me for a sec.." Ashley giggled but stopped abruptly and seemed to fall into deep thought "When did they start? 'Ya know,the stomach pains.." He asked,taking my hand in his.

"Last night when I got home,I'm sure it's nothing Ashy.." I replied.

"....If you say so..just tell me if they continue babe.." He pecked my lips and stood up,pulling me with him.

We both cringed when the bell for first period rang and unlinked hands before walking into the crowded corridors...

Shit chapter,I know,but what do you thinks wrong with Andy? Comment and tell me what you thought,vote..

~AshleyPandy xoxo

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