"Fine, I'm happy to see you," I tell him with a deadpan look.

           "Much better."

           "Can you just get a broom and help now?"

           "What's the magic word?"
           "abracadabra, alakazum" I say and he raises an eyebrow at me. I then sigh. 'fine' I mouth to him "Please?" I say giving him my puppy dog eyes.

          "The magic word is actually Apricots, but I accept your please cause you're so darned cute when you pout like that," he says as he pinches my cheeks and sticks his tongue out at me, like a four year old I might add, then walks into the supply closet.

Well, ain't that sweet.

         •      •      •      •      •      •      •

    "We ain't ever getting older,"

    "no, we ain't ever getting older," I sing after Tristan.

    "we ain't ever getting older"

    "we ain't ever getting older... "

I sing as I begin to dance and Tristan laughs histerically. Dance is my life. I've loved it since I was little but I really got into it when I was thirteen. I'm a really great dancer and so is Tristan we have a YouTube channel where we post some of our stuff, like dancing, singing, comedy skits and all. Lately we've been getting major views.

       "You're a really great dancer, you know that?" Tristan says, with some sort of amused voice.

      "um... Yeah, I do know that. Just finished learning this routine. It's dope, I'll show you when we're done."

     "And... Done, you do realize I did most of the work." Tristan says, with his arms crossed.

     "Thank you so much Bubba, I love you and I'll never forget this," I sat with an exaggerated sigh.

     "What... "he asks.

     "You're always there for me so I'm thanking you stupido, I wouldn't have been able to do it so fast without you" I say.

      "Do I get a thank you kiss?" he asks, with a goofy grin on his face.

      "In your dreams, white boy." I retort jokingly.

      "Hey, you know having a white mom doesn't make me any less black than you"he says.

      "keep telling yourself that, Bubba" Bubba a nickname I gave Tristan when we were little and I just kind of stuck with it.

       "Hey. You know that thing happening in Libya is not cool, right?"

He says, snapping me out of my thoughts.

       "Yeah, it's absolutely barbaric. And so annoying. They sat racism is gone yet sometimes we're treated a little differently, you know there's still a restaurant in Washington that doesn't let black people in," I say solemnly.

It's A ClicheOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz