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Song : You don't own me - G eazy ft

You know what used to bug me about movies? How it all centers on 'What happens next? ' Does it work out or does it fall through? ' 

How about what happens after next?

What happens when it works out? 

What happens when the dashing crush notices the shy girl?

What happens after Voldemort is dead?

What happens after the most unlikely character rules a fictional powerful kingdom?

What happens when the Jamaican girl and Asian boy meet after ten years?

What happens after your bestfriend confesses his feelings to you? 

I guess the beauty of it all resides in using your imagination in creating your NEXT. I'm one for doing that,  If I don't like the ending I fabricate another in my head and move on.

That's why I despise movies based on true stories, you can hide the past but you can't change it and that's what I've come to realize.

         Hey. I'm Aria Jordan and no, this is definitely not a cliche highschool self discovery story. It is also not a romance story of how the shy girl falls for the boy next door. It might seem that way in the beginning but you might want to stick around cause this story is juicy...
            Ever had those times when you really messed up and all you can do to tell your side of the story is an elaborate gesture that you hope your whole town is watching... No? Well me either.

          Let's get off with the cliché part.  It all started when my best friend, Tristan asked me to go to a frat party with a bunch of his college friends, they can be pretty cool at times but the reason I refused is because 'I'VE BEEN' to one of their frat parties. It's filled with drunk college boys all trying, keyword 'trying' to hit on girls. So I refused, but Tristan being his terribly impossible and annoyingly adorable self would not back down, he's what some would call 'persistent' I say pushy, so he pushed and pushed until I was forced to lie. I told him I was doing extra credit for literature class and it worked... He left me alone.

      I spent my weekend organizing and reorganizing my closet, and it just got sad when I was reduced to binge watching re runs of Gossip Girl after church.

      Monday morning when Tristan asks me about my weekend all I could say was "It was pretty standard, you know, I had tons of fun"
"Really? What'd you do?" He asks looking curious... Hmm.. Too curious...

"Some organizing, keeping up with the dirty secrets of Manhattan's elites" I say answering his question.

I guess he caught on cause he immediately grins, I mean he has watched Gossip Girl, I made him of course cue the evil laughter. Mwuehehehe. He then says, "I wish I could be Chuck Bass, he always has that power aura with him."

"oh come on," I counter, "everyone knows Nate's better with his loveable charm and Charisma... Kinda like you, girls just swoon over him"

He stops abruptly, I look at him questioningly. He just shakes his head and smiles, he then keeps walking. I roll my eyes, weirdo.

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