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        Don't be a silent reader. I wanna hear all your thoughts, answer your questions. Just reach out.😉

        The next monday started with a very dreary morning. Tristan woke me up by licking my cheek, which I admit was kinda hot and disgusting at the same time. For a minute there, I didn't realize it was him. I thought I got a surprise dog.

           "Disgusting prick!" I yelled at him. We got dressed and off to school. Tristan is still crashing at my place because he's my bestie and claims that he missed me just cause of one cancelled movie night. He's just acting like a clingy girlfriend, now I know how playboys feel when they have a chick who refuses to quit. But I love him and he kept me company all weekend being an only child is hard.

         "I like it when u let your hair down, you look hotter," he says as he winks and smirks at me, while getting into his Ford explorer and off to school we go. Caroline's secret bugged me all weekend. That girl really got herself in some deep Shit. I pray God helps her and takes the wheel in her life. She really needs Him right now.

          "My lady," he says while opening the door for me. I got so lost in thoughts I didn't realize when we got to school.

            "You okay? You were quiet all through the ride here." he says entwining our hands as we walk out of the parking lot.

           "No, I was just thinking about Caro and all."

           "Don't think about it, don't stress yourself. We wouldn't want you getting a heart attack would we?" he asks. I just shake my head at him and smile. Gosh, I love this boy.

         "Hey Aria, the chemistry teacher wants to see you," Alison said to me. Alison is a girl in my Chem class. She's super nice and friends with Caroline too. She's very pretty, brunette, green eyes. Adorbs! I should set her and Tristy up, they'd be extremely cute together. Whoa! Wait back up. Did she just say chemistry teacher is looking for me?! Shit! What trouble am I in now? I didn't do anything, right?

       "Okay, thanks Ally," I say to her.

       "Don't worry. It'll all be fine. Be calm it's not like you did anything wrong again. Right?"

Triste says reading my mind and slowly panicking, what is up with this boy, he's normally so cool but when it comes to me in a pickly situation he freaks. Besties... Am I right?

          "I'll walk you there. It'll all be fine don't be scared," he tells me. Obviously trying to calm himself down.

         "Hey mushroom, chill. I'm a good girl, it'll all be good," I say ruffling his hair while he swats my hands off. Then I turn to Alison and say, "Ally would you mind keeping an eye on my buttercup here?"

       She laughs and shakes her head. "It's no problem, go on." She replies I then turn to the panicking and walking off to the chemistry lab when he gives me the 'you did not just do that and girl did you just wink at me?'  look.
I'm actually a little nervous going to the chemistry lab to meet. Mr. Chace Cooper is known to be a notorious teacher.

There have been lots of rumours of him dating most of the population of the single female teachers in school and also even being caught in a few affairs with both married and unmarried parents and teachers. He's in his mid twenties, with dark hair and those very brown eyes he must have been a big charmer and heart breaker back in his days. Tall, muscular and very strict with his students. There are no talking in his classes, no gum chewing, eating or drinking anything is prohibited couples should show no P.D.A, even holding hands is not allowed. He prefers silence, discipline. All his students must always strive to get a B- in his class and you can only pass with at least a C+ or a narrow escape C if you're one of his 'special students'.

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