"It's so easy to make excuses like that, hyung."

"Kook!" Jimin finally interjected. "Jin-hyung is right. Blaming anyone would not help. I know that you're worried about Tae right now, but we should focus on saving him and not blaming each other."

At that moment, Yoongi pursed his lips at the situation before him. Jungkook was not really helping, but Yoongi understood his side. There was storm brewing in those eyes and he knew that the younger boy was currently filled with different strong emotions that was choking his state of mind.

Fear. Anger. Confusion.

All of them were experiencing these right now but Yoongi knew that Jungkook and Jimin were feeling worse.

The agent frowned. The situation was already out of their control. It struck Yoongi's mind that there really was a spy among them. No one else could've placed that microphone inside Jimin's pocket.

Looking around, his eyes fell on Hoseok. Yoongi was a keen observer and he had noticed that Hoseok was acting a bit different lately. He was hiding something, Yoongi knew it. Although he was sure that H was not the spy, he still had to know what the boy was hiding.

With narrowed eyes, Yoongi asked Hoseok, "H, you're hiding something, aren't you?"

Hoseok turned to him and sighed heavily. "You, too? Don't tell me all of you now think that I am the spy?"

Yoongi shook his head and flashed a small smile at Hoseok. He realized that his words came out a little harshly without him doing it on purpose. "I know you're not the spy, Hope. But I know you're hiding something."

"I'm not hiding anything," he said again. Yoongi was now wondering what it was about. This was Hoseok, and he didn't keep secrets from them. There must be something about this that made the agent refuse to reveal it.

"Hoseok," Yoongi tried again. "We're a team here. You have to trust us. We can't move forward if someone is hiding something."

For a moment, the only response he got from Hoseok was silence. Yoongi did not give up, though, and continued to stare at the other boy as if staring at him would give the answer to his question.

The other boy finally looked away, defeated. With an unsure voice, he finally confessed.

"Well... Sehee tried to contact me yesterday. B-but that's all!"

"Sehee?" Jin asked with one raised eyebrow.

Hoseok met his stare head on. "Yes, Sehee. Do you have any problem with that?"

Jin closed his eyes, looking like he was about snap. "Hoseok, I understand what you feel towards her but didn't we agree that we should be careful?"

"And having a former enemy with us is being careful?" Hoseok countered, clearly talking about Namjoon.

"Namjoon is clearly not an enemy. He was just forced to do whatever he had done," Jin said in reply, his tone calm but his eyes said otherwise.

"And that's definitely not letting your emotions get in the way of the mission," Hoseok retorted in a sarcastic voice.

Yoongi's head was aching. They were now fighting all because of a spy that he was not able to take care of. There was a spy, and yet Yoongi believed in himself too much to actually realize that it was true.

There was a spy and Yoongi failed to notice it.

"Guys," he finally spoke. "This is enough. We shouldn't be fighting. The enemy now has the upper hand because I was not careful enough and-"

Agent SWhere stories live. Discover now