
"Man what the fuck! I know this ain't that same nigga that was at my house." Dylan said.

"Bitch it might be. Whatchu need doe?"

"Man where the fuck my bitch at?"

"She chillen minding ha business. Now I got some grown man shit ta do so can we speed dis up?"

"Nah bruh you dead as fuck that's all ima say."

After that tha phone hung up. I decided too finish up my blunt. I was da boss of the drug lords and I ran everything. I wasn't worried bout nun I could always have one of my niggas knock his head off, however I didn't wanna tell Brooke about my little business because I knew that's exactly what she was trying to get away from in that nigga Dylan but She was gon have to accept it or not.

Third POV

As Brooke woke up she had seen her phone had been blowed up by Dylan. While rolling her eyes she looked up to see that August was sleep. She went into the bathroom and seen that the marks were slowing going down and she was more than grateful for that but she knew she couldn't hide from Dylan forever. Since he was Apart of the Dessits he was a crip and She knew it would be more than possible
To found out where she was and where August lived and she didn't wanna Put him through that.
Walking back into the living room she pinched August's nose causing him to wake up.

"Man what tha fuck You doin'?" August said with a raspy sleepy voice that turned Brooklyn all the way on.

"I gotta go home. Sooner or later he will be here tryna hurt both me and you and I really don't want that."

"Tha difference between me and you is ya scared, I ain't." August said while standing up pulling his pants up.

"Well can you take me." She Asked with an attitude at the fact he wasn't taking her seriously.

Once August agreed he went to the bathroom to freshen up and get his things he would need today for work because he was going to be working in the office tonight since it was already going on 10pm.

Once they got into the car the Slow rnb played soothing Brooklyn nervousness from going home and facing Dylan.

"What if he hit ya again ma? Den what?" August said while pulling on his chin hair.

"He won't. He never did that before he just was angry August. Stop worrying so much." She said while looking out the window.

August knew by the way she took all of this that he had put his hands on her before. The way she understood August he felt as if he had to protect her for some reason. But to stay out her business he decided to keep quiet until a thought appeared in his head.

"You really wanted dat dick huh?" He said with a smirk.

The two shared a laugh.

"I did but now I don't. Shoulda took your chance."

The way Brooklyn was raised her mom was fully Mexican and moved here when she was 19 years old and met Brooklyn's father. Her mother's religion was to never give up
Your flower til marriage and that's what Brooklyn wanted too do but failed. However she wasn't a Hoe so she was mad at her self that she even was finna Let August do that to her.

"Ight ma. Call me if you need anything and I mean anything. August said while pulling up to Brooke's house while kissing her hand. She sent a slight smile and got out the car. Seeing that no car was in the driveway she figured he was out handling business.

Once she got in she kicked off her shoes and went straight up to her room. Going into the bathroom to wash off the makeup she used to cover up all the marks and starting her shower up. Once she was done washing her face she began to brush her teeth until Dylan appeared in the bathroom closing the door so she couldn't escape.

" I payed a lot of money to take yo ungrateful ass out here and this what you do? Go and fuck wit another nigga?" Dylan snapped.

"Nah you practically begged me to come. I was fine where I was at with my family. I'm more than grateful for this opportunity but I ain't grateful of you putting your hands on me." She said while tying her hair up in a ponytail.

He took her by her ponytail and swung her to the floor beginning to stomp her out until there was blood everywhere.

"You was with that nigga today Brooklyn. Don't play with me I ain't dumb." He said while spitting on her then leaving out the bathroom then eventually the house completely leaving Brooklyn on the floor. Broken down.

Okaay Guys😄 a little more drama but there is way more on the way I promise lol.
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