Songs of the Year!

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Hi, guys! Postingan ini jelas bukan update–bukan juga acara penghargaan meskipun judulnya 'Songs of the Year' hehehe. Di bawah ini adalah lagu-lagu yang paling sering aku dengar dan aku nikmati baik sebelum tidur, lagi nugas, lagi kerja, lagi di jalan, pokoknya yang paling sering kudengarkan selama tahun 2017. Karena tahunnya 2017, ada 17 lagu beserta lirik terfavorit versiku yang bisa dijadikan prompt kalau mau bikin short story, lho! Yuk, cekidot!

If It Was You - Jung Seunghwan
"Why is it so hard for you to properly see me trying?"

Missing You - BTOB
"My life is incomplete, it's missing you."

Red Flavor - Red Velvet
"My favorite in the summer is you."

Stay with Me - Chanyeol ft. Punch
"I'm still watching over you from far away."

Toy - Block B
"You are the only one for me, but I'm one of your many."

Peek A Boo - Red Velvet
"I fall in love so easily."

the.the.the - Longguo&Shihyun
"I stood in this place where there is no moonlight."

Beautiful - Wanna One
"I wanna look better than those times and appear in front of you."

I'm OK - Crude Play
"Just stay as you are, you don't need to try to change many things."

If You - NU'EST W
"If only we can meet again and smile brightly."

Never - Nation's Son
"I can only see you in my head."

Always - Produce 101 Season 2
"Just like the word 'forever', let's stay together."

Daybreak - Minhyun&JR
"You can act like a child, I'll hold you."

Don't Wanna Cry - Seventeen
"Did you leave because you don't like me anymore?"

Fantasy - JBJ
"You are not a daydreamer."

Gashina - Sunmi
"Why are you leaving such a beautiful woman like me behind?"

Hello - NU'EST
"Hurry and tell me please that there's nothing going on between you two."


Spring Day - BTS
"How much more do I have to wait?"

As If It's Your Last - Blackpink
"Kiss me like it's a lie as if I'm your last love."

MIC Drop - BTS
"Go, look at your mirror, same damn clothes!"

Yash! Itu dia 17+3 lagu favoritku sepanjang tahun 2017. Hmm, sesungguhnya masih banyak lagi sih karena aku bisa dibilang sering banget banget banget dengerin lagu. Kayak, rasanya kosong kalo nggak ada yang didengerin. Tapi emang lagu-lagu di atas yang paling sering kudengerin.

Aku pengen bikin short story pakai song prompts itu, tapi bingung tokohnya siapa. Hahaha, ada saran? In line comments aja! 🎊 Ada lagu yang kalian suka juga nggak? In line comments juga boleh! ;;)

ps. Aku lagi garap Imagine Joshua, lho. :D

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