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Deciding to remove two chapters from this book that I thought might be a little interesting but then again I wanted the story to be a love story. No fighting, no craziness, just true love you know. So today I will be updating this book I will give you guys two full chapters of Jason and Anna relationship and how love is real and no matter what people say you can find true love.
Laying in the bed with my two daughters, we watch SpongeBob and ate popcorn. Anna and I wasn't together she was now 8 months pregnant and need to be taking life easy but she was still working.

My boys was ready to come and I was ready to meet them.

Daddy can we go to OLIVE GARDEN Lele asked as I looked at my phone. What's good I answered as I look at my daughter. I had met this chick named Brittany off of Instagram, baby girl was fine as fuck, she had a big ass booty,small waist and humongous ass titties. Usually I don't date females with that much breast but baby was bad, man baby was bad. Anna didn't want me so I was doing me.

What's up baby girl, how you doing today? I spoke into my phone as I stood up of the bed. I knew lele didn't like Brittany because everytime she comes over, she be so ready to go home.

Dadddddy Im hungry my daughter yelled as I looked at her.
Okay lele go get ready I cooed as Jaja looked at me.

After getting her and myself ready we was out. I told Brittany to meet us for lunch and she was down for it. Knowing my oldest had a issue with that I knew she was gonna call her momma to come get her so I was ready for all that.

Pulling up to the Olive Garden, Brittany was already her.
Daddy is that Ms.Brittany? Leanna said as she looked at me crazy. Yah baby she wanted to eat lunch with us
Uhh daddy you said only you,jaja and me she whined. Yeah baby but its gnna be fun come on I said as I got out the car.

Hugging Brittany as Leanna and Ja'anna walked into the restaurant. My daughter was so dramatic.

30 mins

Ordering our food I chit chatted with Brittany as Lele played on her phone and My baby girl colored.
Give me kiss Brittany said as I looked at her. Kissing her lips I wasn't ready for the next surprise.

Looking up to see Anna wobble in I knew my daughter was finna be petty.

Ugh Lele really? Yes daddy I want to go home she sadly said as Brittany looked at Anna.

Hey, she said seeming to be happy. What's up Anna I said looking at her belly. She was big but she carried the babies really good.

Hey mommy Ja said as she reached for her. Heyy babe she cooed picking her up. Kissing her cheeks she asked them was they ready to go as ,I just looked at my daughter and Brittany eyes stayed on Anna. She wouldn't say nothing about Anna put she would always look.

Yes we are Lele said grabbing her sister's bag. Man Anna you dont have to always come when she calls ,I said as she looked at me. Why not? if she call me and tell me that she feels uncomfortable why wouldn't I come? She said as she looked at me. ..

She is just spoiled Brittany, out of the blue said as she looked at Anna.
Umm that's not your place to say if our child is spoiled ,Anna said as I looked at Brittany crazy. I didn't do bitches fucking with my kids.

Oh I feel if Im with her father I have the right. Brittany said as I looked at her.
Ha okay whatever you ,don't honey.
Oh and Jason the boys will be here in the morning, Im 3cm. I might call you or maybe I'll call your "Girlfriend" she said walking off..

Not sure if I should run behind her or deal with Brittany first. I just watched her wobble out the door. Man you can't be saying shit like that. You are making it hard on me. Anna is very fair when it comes to my kids. She don't put me on child support or do she fight with me, I said as I stood up. Brittany had me fucked up.

Okay but we been messing around for 2 months now. Everytime I come around your kids leave. Why????
My daughter is just like that , that have nothing to do with you.
It does she scream as I walked from her I wasn't calling her ass no more. Some shit a bitch cant just say. I know it has to be hard being with a man with kids but my kids will always come before any relationship.

3 a.m
Push, omg help, please help me...
I'm right here Anna I cooed as she just literally pushed out my second son. She called me at 12 a.m and told me her water broke.

I was hoping she didn't forgot about me or let Brittany fuck up my relationship with her. I wanted to be there with her as she deliver my boys.
Daddy come cut the second cord the nurse said.
Doing as,Anna seem to be in love as she looked into Jacyon eyes.

2 hours later
You good? I asked her as she laid in the bed the doctors had clean her up and put her in a clean bed. She was strong for being able to push out both boys without no issues.

Yes I'm good, are you finna leave me? She asked as she looked at the boys.
Naw I ain't going no where until you go home I replied back as she is now looking at me.
I wasn't the type of nigga to just leave my kids anywhere. I wanted to be there for everything.
Come lay with me she suggested as I kissed both boys.

I literally brought my own hospital bag because I didn't plan on leaving her or my kids.

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