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Looking at her as we arrived home she was nothing but tears. I was sorry for touching her in a rough way but I need her to shut up about the situation.

My brother killed ole dude because he had did some fuck shit to our cousin Kaliyn. Him and our cousin Katrina was dating years ago.
Katrina and Kaliyn are sisters but their 10 years apart. One day Katrina left Kaliyn home with dude while she went grocery shopping and dude raped Kaliyn,she was only 15. Kaliyn told Katrina but it was to late. Dude was no where to be found and Kaliyn was pregnant. That was 8 years ago, and today was the first time we saw him and shit just went left

Picking up Ja'Anna I watched Anna as her and Lele walked in the door. She was so upset, I had to fix it.

Walking in the house I laid my baby down as she went to the kitchen with our oldest daughter .
Lele go upstairs, okay daddy she said as she hugged her momma.
Putting some beef in a pot I could see she looked scared as hell. I never wanted her to be afraid of me.
Anna I'm sorry I said as she side eyed me. Okay she said sounding very hurt.

No Anna I'm sorry for real baby ,I didn't mean to grab your face like that. I just wanted you to hush. I'm sorry I am not supposed to touch you,please forgive me.

Okay she cried as I looked into her eyes. I knew she was just saying that to say it. She was beat up by Jean and I know she feel like it's something he use to say but I wasn't that nigga I was really sorry .
(Skipping 3 month's)
So you gonna ignore me?? I asked Anna as I followed her and my kids in the mall. After the lil fight she left me and I was stalking and harassing her hard. She was now 6 months pregnant and my boys had her big. But she was sexy as fuck to me.

Lele give me kiss, I said as she looked at me holding Ja'Anna as Lele hugged me. Kissing and hugging my girls ,I could tell my babies was putting a beating on her because her feet was swollen and her face was fat.

Looking at Don she rolled her eyes. Don was on her shit list and Sam was to ,she ain't fuck with none of us after that situation happen.
Why you always looking so mean? Sam said as she rolled her eyes at him again.
Come on Leanna and Ja'Anna she said as she looked at my daughter's.

Okay bye daddy,uncle Don and Sam see y'all later Lele said as she grabbed Ja'Anna hand. I ain't going no where baby ,I said still following her.
Why are you following me?? I keep you updated with everything to do with your kids. Why are you doing this??
Because I want to,this isn't your mall I can walk where I want to,I said as I looked in her eyes.

You are so dumb she scream as she pushed me. I know I replied getting in her face. Looking at her lips she looked horny. I knew she missed this dick, she use to let me eat and beat her everyday before she left me.

You need to get a girlfriend and let me be she said backing up from me but I was holding her waist. You are my girlfriend ,I whisper as she looked at my lips again. No I'm your kids momma she said pulling away from me.

Watching her walk away we walked behind her, she was wobbling and it looked like her feet was kill her.
You need to get off your feet, I said as I grabbed my daughter's scroller from her and her bags.
No I dont I need to get to the finishline before it close, she said as she looked at me.
Man finishline for who?? My kids don't need you to buy them no shoes and you don't wear tennis shoes.
I want to buy Lele and Ja'Anna some shoes,you haven't give me no money nor brought them no shoes in a while she yelled trying to pull her bags out my hands.

Man girl they just got four pair of new shoes last month and I don't have to give you no money for my kids, I pay for everything they need and do . So don't started that shit I yelled as everyone looked at us.

You brought them stuff that can't come to my house because you don't want them home with me. And you pay for their school and daycare but you're not paying for their medical insurance because we aren't together she yelled back as Don pulled her from me.

Anna shut the fuck up,all you paying is 100 a fucking month for that shit. If you want me to pay that again I will. You doing all this crying for what?? Because you are a dumb ass lil boy who's trying to run me.

You want me to be with you when you touched me?? I'm not being with no more niggas,who put their hands on me. If you hit me once you will do it again. I'm not dealing with that shit she said pushing her brother from her.
I told you I was sorry for putting my hands on you. But I didn't hit you I grabbed your face .
Yeah and that's the first sign of domestic violence she said as she wobble to the exit of the mall.

Of course I followed her she wasn't just finna walk away from me.

I'm sorry and I hope one day you forgive me. I understand you don't want to be with me. But still talk to me, don't ignore me when you see me. Let's have a good relationship for our kids I said as I handle her hands.

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