Chapter 12

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Alice drove the whole way, while Bella tried to contact her mother. They stopped by a hotel in Phoenix. Danielle, Bella and Alice sat in the room in silence. But suddenly Alice started spacing out and shaking slightly.

"What's wrong?" Bella asked.

"I think she might be having a vision." Danielle said, putting a piece of paper on the table and giving her a pencil.

"The tracker has changed the course." Alice explained.

"Edward said that the visions were subjective." Bella said standing by Danielle.

"Jasper said that they change by the choices the people make." Danielle told her little sister.

"So what? He's going to a ballet room?" Bella asked.

"You've been here before?" Alice asked Bella.

"Yeah, I got ballet lessons, and our school had the same arch like the one you drew."

"Was the school here in Phoenix?" Alice asked with fear on her face.

"Yes." Bella answered.

Then Bella's phone started ringing.

"Edward, is everybody alright?" she asked walking away.

"I'll check us out. We can't stay here." Alice said grabbing a few documents "Can you pack your things?" Alice asked Danielle.

"Sure." she smiled at Alice, getting a small smile in return.

Danielle sighed as Alice walked away and started to pack her stuff.

"Jasper told me to tell you to be careful, and say that he'll come to you. And also that he's going to protect you no matter what." Bella said standing in the middle of the room with her phone by her ear.

Danielle chuckled and turned to Bella.

"Well can you tell him that I'll be waiting, to be careful and that I love him too?" Danielle said knowing that the vampire will hear her.

"He says you're making him go crazy." Bella passed on to Danielle.

"Always." Danielle said turning back to her bag.

When Bella ended her conversation she also started packing quickly. But then her phone rang once again.

"Mom?" she said.

Danielle turned her attention away from her sister. She didn't really want to talk to their mother. But then Bella started yelling into the phone.

"Don't touch her!" she yelled "Don't!"

Danielle went to stand beside Bella putting her hand on her shoulder.

"Where should we meet you?" Bella said immediately.

She was quiet and only listened until James cut the phone call.

"Bella, what did he say?" Danielle asked.

"He has mom." the brunette said on the verge of tears "He said he wants to meet us, but we must come alone." she said, sitting down "He wants to meet us at the ballet studio." she sighed.

Danielle looked at the drawing that Alice had drawn just minutes ago. She got up from the floor putting her jacket on. She tossed Bella hers.

"Hurry up. We need to go before Alice comes back." Danielle told Bella.

"You're coming?" Bella asked surprised "But you don't really like mom."

"I don't have to like her. She's my mother, so I love her whether I want to or not." Danielle said walking out of the room and Bella following behind.

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