Chapter 11

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Jasper and Edward urged the two sisters to get in the car, as Laurent, James and Victoria left.

"I'm so sorry." Jasper said with guilt in his eyes as he opened the door.

Danielle got in, moving to the left as she didn't want to waste time and make Jasper have to go around the car. Jasper got in quickly as did Bella and Edward. Bella was panicking but Danielle just squeezed Jasper's hand, smiling at him when he looked at her. Edward wanted to help Bela put on her seatbelt but he was obviously evem more scared for her, than she was.

"What now, is he coming after us?" Bella raised her voice.

Edward and Jasper didn't say anything, guilt ridden and scared for the girls. Danielle chuckled softly making everyone turn their attention to her. She was so shocked that she didn't know what else to do besides laughing.

"What's wrong with you?" Bella asked her sister.

"Remember when Edward and Jasper introduced us to the rest of the family?" Danielle asked as Bella nodded her head "Well, hello meal. I'm dessert." Danielle said what got her looks from the other three, who didn't find it funny at all.

Jasper looked at Danielle. He felt guilt, anger and helplessness built up inside him. He wished that he never invited her to this stupid baseball game. It was all his fault, and he knew it.

"Don't blame yourself, Jasper Whitlock." Danielle said with a stern voice but she still had that kind smile on her lips "It's not your fault. Everything will be alright." she said putting her arm around his and putting her head on his shoulder "It's not your fault. We will be alright." she repeated.

"Where are we going?" Bella made Danielle focus on her and Edward's conversation.

"Away from Forks. We have a ferry to Vancouver." Edward answered.

"What about Charlie?" Danielle asked sitting up "We need to go home. Now!" she demanded.

"You can't go home. James will track your scent and go there, it's the first place he'll look." Edward said.

Danielle looked at Jasper, who didn't say anything. He just sat in his seat with his head down.

"We'll track him away, whatever." Bella said "Just take me home."

"Please just let us take you out of here." Edward pleaded looking back at Danielle.

Danielle looked at Jasper. He was staring at her, pleading with his eyes to just do as Edward said, but he didn't have the heart to tell her what to do. He knew how much Charlie meant to her. And all of it was his fault. Danielle looked at Bella and the sisters nodded. They quickly undid their seatbelts.

"No!" Edward yelled when he read Danielle's mind.

The girls already opened their doors before Jasper and Edward stopped them.

"Danielle, what are you doing?!" Jasper scolded the girl sternly.

"Take us home. Please, Jasper." she pleaded.

Jasper took his hand off of Danielle's arm and sighed.

"Alright. Edward, turn around." he ordered.

"Everything will be alright." Danielle reassured her boyfriend once more.

When the four arrived at the Swan's house, Danielle let Bella go in first. She saw her 'arguing' with Edward as she slammed the front door in his face. She waited a few seconds before getting out of the car. She nodded at Jasper, silently telling him that he can now go pack her stuff. Danielle ran inside as she saw Bella exiting her room. She hastily climbed up the stairs.

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