Chapter 1

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The two sisters were inseperable. They always did everything together. So when it came to moving to Forks, to their father, so that their mother could travel together with her new boyfriend, they knew they would be in this together. No matter what.


"Are you sure, girls?" Renee, the girl's mother, asked the two sisters, as they were about to board the plane.

She and her new boyfriend, Phil, had brought the siblings to the airport, and now that their mom seemed to finally realise, what was going on, she seemed sad.

"Of course mom!" the older girl said giving her one last hug happily.

Danielle looked at Bella and nudged her lightly, signalling for her to at least pretend to not be depressed.

"Don't worry, mom." Bella said smiling lightly and hugging Renee.

Then the two girls ran to the exit not wanting to see their mother cry. Danielle showed the man their boarding passes, and they could board the plane. After Danielle helped Bella put her bag in the small space above their heads, she went to sit near the window. The latter sat beside her twin sister, and they both looked out the window as the plane took off, looking one last time at the sunny Arizona. Danielle turned around to look at her younger sister. Well they were twins, but Danielle was older by 13 minutes, and so she acted as the older sister, that Bella seemed to need most of the time. Danielle knew it was a difficult decision for both of them, but it was even more difficult for Bella, as the brunette always got along better with their mother. So as the deep blue ocean eyes met the chocolate brown ones, Denielle saw tears welled up in the pale brunette's eyes. She took Bella's hand in her own, and squeezed it gently, giving Bella a reassuring simle. The flight went by fast. The older girl found their luggages and they both headed for the exit. The airport wasn't crowded and Danielle spotted their dad immediately.

"Dad!" the slim girl shouted as she ran up to hug the man.

"Hello, baby." he hugged her back and let go to hug Bella "I missed you, girls." he said hugging Bella.

Danielle noticed how uncomfortable Bella was. She couldn't blame the girl. Danielle got along with their father, and visited him as often as she could. While Bella came over during summer break for three weeks tops, when she was younger, but stopped after she turned seven. She turned her attention back to their father, as he started speaking.

"Let's go home and then eat something. Sounds good?" he asked the girls.

"Perfect." Danielle answered as Bella nodded her head slightly.

Charlie drove his daughters to his house. The two got their own rooms upstairs. Bella stayed in her old room, and Danielle in hers. Both of their rooms faced the street. After the girls put their luggage in their rooms they went downstairs. Just at the moment that Jacob and Billy arrived. Danielle greeted both of them. Jacob was her only friend when she was in Forks, although he had a thing for Bella. She gave both of them a hug as Bella came out to greet the men and his son. She shook Jacob's hand awkwardly after she said 'hi' to Billy.

"Hi, I'm Jake." the young boy said offering Bella a handshake, which she took "We used to make mud pies when we were little." he said giving her a sheepish smile.

"Yeah, I remember." Bella said awkwardly.

Danielle rolled her eyes at her sister's obvious lie. Charlie went up to the truck and patted it roughly.

"So what do you think?" he asked the girls, as they shared a look not knowing what he meant.

"What about it?" Bella stuttered.

"It's your homecoming gift." he informed as the two sisters smiled.

"Are you serious?" Danielle asked as she gave her father a hug and he nodded his head at Bella.

"This is great." the younger brunette said, immediately walking up to the truck.

She opened the driver's door, hitting Jacob with it in the process.

"I'm sorry." Bella said panicking as Jacob gave her a smile, meaning that he was alright.

"You're so not driving." Danielle informed, snatching the keys from her hand.

"I'm not a kid! Come on." Bella huffed.

"Maybe not, but your lack of coordination is going to give me a heart attack."

Charlie watched the two girls argue and chuckled softly, happy that his girls shared a good bond. In the meantime, Danielle got in the driver's seat as Bella walked sat in the passenger's one. Jake explained that he rebuilt the engine and a few other things he thought might be handy to know.

"Do you want a ride to school?" Bella asked and Danielle looked at the boy, waiting for an answer.

"I go to school in the Rez." he said shaking his head and smiling at Bella.

"Oh, it would've been nice to know someone at school." Bella said.

"I know. We'll probably both get lost." Danielle chuckled at the thought of them walking through the corridors, not knowing where they were.

"The school is not big, so you'll get used to it quickly." Jake informed and Danielle gave him a smile.

"I hope so." she whispered, looking at Bella who seemed nervous.

They got out of the truck and looked once more at Billy who held beer in his arms.

"Oh, we were supposed to eat out together, but I forgot that me and Billy were watching a game tonight." Charlie said apolgetically.

"That's alright." Danielle smiled "Me and Bella wil eat something together. Jake you wanna come with us?" she asked the boy.

"I think I'll sit this one out." he smiled.

Danielle saw his nervousness while he was with Bella, and decided not to tease him. Instead she turned to Bella.

"I'll just grab my bag and we can go." she informed.

"That's fine with me. Oh, by the way can you take my phone while you take your bag?" Bella asked her sister and Danielle nodded.

They drove to a nearby restaurant. Bella ordered some healthy set as Danielle ony ordered a burger with some salad.

"Are you okay?" Danielle asked looking at her sister.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little bit nervous." Bella admitted sighing.

"Why is that?" the girl asked taking a bite from her burger.

"I guess I don't like being the new kid. We don't know anybody here." the brunette said picking at her food.

"It's not like we had any real friends in Arizona." Danielle sighed "Besides the two of us can do this." she gave Bella a small smile, and her sister smiled back.

They spent the rest of their dinner talking about things that didn't really matter. After they got back home Bella went to her room, as Danielle claimed the shower. She let the water hit her skin and then turned, so that she was facing the water. She felt warm water hit her face lightly and relaxed. After she was done, she put a towel around her and stood by the mirror looking at her blue eyes. Their mother said she had her grandfather's, their mother's father, eyes. She didn't know him and never met him, as he died before the two girls were born. But everytime she looked into her own eyes, she felt proud of them. Danielle blow-dried her hair, and knocked on Bella's door. She opened it and saw the younger sister, on her bed with earphones in. She smiled to herself at the peaceful sight of her sister.

"Bells!" Danielle yelled getting her attention.

Bella looked at her sister, slightly annoyed because she used the nickname, the girl hated.

"The bathroom is free." Danielle told Bella, as the latter nodded.

The older sister closed her door and entered her own room, unpacking her clothes before going to bed.

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