Chapter 4

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The next day the two girls had an outing for Biology class. Everyone gathered by the busses but Danielle and Bella were still standing beside the car. They saw Alice, Edward and Jasper going in the direction of Mr. Molina. Danielle stared at Jasper before Mike suddenly appeared before her and Bella.

"Hey!" he said enthousiatic.

"Hi." they both answered.

"Look at you. You're alive!" he exclaimed but it was clear he was talking to Bella.

"I'm gonna go." Danielle said as she started walking away from the duo to give them a little privacy.

She saw the two talking for a while before Bella came to stand beside her.

"So what did he want?" Danielle asked curiously.

"He asked me if I wanted to go to prom with him." Bella said uncomfortably.

"And did you say yes?"

"No, I lied that we need to go to Jacksonville. And told him that he should ask Jessica."

"Good going, Bells." Danielle laughed at her sister.

They got into the bus and sat by each other. When they arrived, the two girls waited for everybody to get out first, not wanting to have to deal with the crowd. As they got inside the greenhouse the two got separated.

"You're going to Jacksonville?" Danielle heard Jasper's voice beside her.

"How did you know?" she asked.

"My brother told me."

"Well, it seems like I'm going."

Jasper chuckled at the girl's answer.

"What's with your manners? You didn't even say 'hi'." Danielle pointed out a little annoyed at the blonde.

"Hi, Dani." he said "So what's in Jacksonville?"

"Why would I tell you?"

"Look I'm sorry for being rude, but that's for the best."

"If you think so." Danielle sighed and Jasper walked away when Alice called him.

When Danielle walked out of the greenhouse she saw Bella talking to Edward. She turned away not wanting to make Bella feel awkward. Then she bumped into the blonde again. He looked at her.

"Can I talk to you?" Jasper asked Danielle.


"We shouldn't be friends." Jasper said in all seriousness.

"You could've figured that out earlier." Danielle huffed at him as someone pushed her from behind, making the brunette fall into Jasper's arms.

"I mean it." he said pushing Danielle away gently.

"Then why did you save me? You wouldn't have regretted it if you didn't." she said in anger not realising that her words hurt the man.

"You think I regret saving you?" he asked anger and hurt evident in his voice.

"I need to go." Danielle said walking away.

"Wait." Jasper said grabbing the girl's arm.

Danielle didn't want to talk to Jasper until she figured out what was wrong. She touched his hand gently. Knowing it will make the boy let go.

"Sorry, Jasper. I need to go to, Bella." she said when his grip around her arm loosened.


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