Chapter Twenty

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Thoughts were swarming George Weasley's head as he watched tears stream down the face of his petrified friend. Reaching out George softly touched her face and brushed the tears away. Looking at his finger he was perplexed when he found his fingers had tears sitting upon them. This can't be happening, I must be dreaming. George couldn't believe that it was reality, rubbing his eyes with his hands, George took another look at Brittney. Nope. Not dreaming.  Standing up swiftly George turned and abruptly walked out of the Hospital Wing. 

George walked down the corridor and down to the library. The Hogwarts Library was a place that you normally wouldn't find the Weasley Twins. You also normally didn't see one without the other. That made it somewhat concerning to see George Weasley walk into the school library without his other half anywhere in sight. As George walked through the library in search of a book on petrification he was earning many weird looks from people who had noticed his presence. 

After finding and checking out a book from the library George made his way back up to the common room, where he would find Fred and Lee and tell them about what had happened when he was in the Hospital Wing. 

Making his way hastily through the common room and up the stairs to the dorm, which he had shared with Fred, Lee, "Fred, Lee!" George said as he burst through the door, "I have something very important to tell you," 

The boys looked at George as he started explaining what had happend, "So, I had just gotten to the hospital wing, and all of the sudden she was crying, like there were actual tear falling from her eyes,"

"Okay, but I have one question for you," Fred said looking at his brother warily, "why the hell is there a book in your hand?" 

"It's a book on petrificaiton, I think that once a victim is petrified they are kind of like turned to stone, they have no movement and nothing is happening to their physical body, but Brittney was actually crying and I don't think that if she was fully petrified she would have the ability to show her emotions in that sort of way," George said but was only met with blinks from the two boys, "come on, are you following me here?" 

Fred and Lee shook their heads in response. George took a deep breath and explained his theory to the two, "So, when someone is petrified they are like stone, nothing would be happening to the body while petrified, but with Brittney, she was actually crying. So, if she was actually crying when she was petrified, I don't think she was fully petrified. Whatever is happening, it probably isn't a good thing," 

"So, what you're trying to say is that Brittney isn't actually petrified?" Fred asked, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 

"Yes, and no," George stated, "she is I don't know, half way petrified, she looks petrified, the shocked look on her face, the stiffened body, but, the thing is that when you are petrified the victim has  very little control to what happens to them, they can keep themselves alive, but that is pretty much it. Well, Brittney, she was able to start crying. I don't know about you but, I have yet to see any other petrified student cry in that state," 

"Since when did you get so smart about all of this?" Lee asked jokingly.

"Come on Lee, this is not something to joke about," George said seriously, "Brittney could stay like this forever for all we know,"   

Brittney, engulfed into a world of darkness once more had never felt so alone. She felt as if she would never get to see the face of her best friends, her mother, father, Harry, her brother ever again in person, only through the memories played back on the darkness surrounding her. 

"You know you aren't alone, you will never be alone," A voice said from behind Brittney. Brittney turned around and was faced with Lily Potter. 

Lily Potter looked faded and dark to Brittney. Her hair fell in curls past her shoulders. She stood smiling at Brittney, "Never let yourself believe that you are ever alone, because no matter what, there is still someone that will rest in your heart forever," 

Brittney sat there, mouth agape as she looked into the eyes of late Lily Potter, "Am I dead?" She asked.

Lily chuckled and shook her head, "No Brittney, I can assure you that you are definitely not  dead," 

"Then, where am I? Why am I here?" Brittney was puzzled she didn't know what to think of the place she was at. She knew now that she wasn't dead so where was she? What was the purpose she was there? 

"I'm not sure, I do know that you are going to be fine. Do not worry," Lily said a reassuring look on her face, "I have to go now, do not loose your hope," Lily then disappeared into thin air.

Brittney fell onto her back, "Why me?!" She cried tangling her hands in her hair. 

Hey, Britt, I still don't know why I do this? You probably can't even hear me. Fred and I miss you. Lee does too. I am going to figure out what's wrong with you. I promise. 

"George!" Brittney cried out in desperation. She then faintly felt something softly touch her cheek, moving her hand on top of her cheek, she felt a hand, "George," Brittney whispered.


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