Chapter 10

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The Weasleys Brittney and Harry were all sitting at the table waiting for Molly to give them their breakfast. Ginny had come down the stairs and asked Molly if she had seen her jumper, but as soon as she saw Harry she got all wide-eyed and ran at the sight of him. Which left poor Harry in a state of confusion not knowing what he did to startle the poor girl. Ron told him that she had been talking about him all summer which left Harry even more confused. 

"Morning Weasleys." Arthur Weasley said as he walked in the door. All the Weasleys said morning back when he walked in. "Busy night at work. Nine raids! Nine!" 

"Raids?" Harry questioned

"Dad works for the Ministry of Magic." Ron explained 'In the misuse of muggle artifacts office. Dad loves muggles, thinks their fascinating."

"Well, who are you?" Mr. Weasley questioned Harry.

"I'm Harry sir. Harry Potter." Harry said kindly to the man

"Good lord is it really?" Mr. Weasley asked

"Hello, Mr. Wealsey." Brittney greeted him politely 

"Oh hello, Brittney. Alright, when did they get here?" Mr. Wealsey questioned his wife.

"This morning. Your sons flew that enchanted car of yours to Surrey and back last night." Mrs. Wealsey explained.

"Really? How'd it go?" Mr. Wealsey asked. They all started telling him how cool it was as Mrs. Weasley hit him lightly on the shoulder. "I mean that was very wrong of you, very wrong indeed. Alright, Harry, you must know all about Muggles what exactly is the function of a rubber duck?"

 Right before Harry was about to answer he was interrupted by a loud squawking noise.

"Oh, that must be Errol with the post." Mrs. Weasley said, then Errol swooped down to land, but instead of landing he...ran into the window 

"Oh Percy, can you get that?" Mrs. Weasley asked Percy.

"This morning." Mr. Weasley said.

"It's our Hogwarts letters, they have brought Harry, and Brittney's as well," Percy said

"Dumbledore must know your here." Mr. Weasley said. We all took our letters from Percy opened them up to see what spell books we needed for that year. 

"You've got all of Lockhart's books too!" Fred exclaimed " The new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher must be a fan. Bet it's a witch."

"That lot won't come cheap mum." George said, "The spell books alone are very expensive."

"Oh, we'll manage. But there is only one place where we will get all of this... Diagon Alley." Mrs. Weasley said. 

THE DURSLEY IN THE SHADOWS--George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now