Chapter Sixteen

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Brittney had been surprised when she had found out about what had happened at the Dueling Club the previous night. Everyone was now convinced that Harry was the Heir of Slytherin, only because Harry can speak Parseltongue. But all Brittney knew was that she knew Harry well enough to know that he isn't, she knew that he would never petrify her, or Hermione who happened to be Muggle-Born. 

"Hey, Georgie?"

"Yeah, Freddie?" 

"Do you know what day it is?" 

"Why yes, my dear brother the day is December 18th which happens to be our dear friends birthday," George said with a smile on his face. 

Fred and George looked at Brittney both with identical smiles on their faces which made Brittney look at them skeptically. "Should I be warned? Is there going to be a Dungbomb blow up at me or something?" 

Fred gasped and held his had over his heart a look of betrayal swept across his face. "Would we ever do something like that to you? Georgie, she doesn't trust us anymore! How awful!" Fred said as he swept away an imaginary tear. 

"Oh, stop being so dramatic and eat your breakfast," Brittney said with a chuckle then returning to her breakfast. 

"Hey Brittney," Harry said as he sat down at the table with Hermione and Ron not far behind, "happy birthday." Harry smiled 

"Thank you." Brittney smiled at him "Sleep well?" 

"That I did thank you," Fred interjected, which lead to Harry and Brittney to give him a questioning look." What?"

"Oh nevermind, I'll see you later Harry, go hang out with your friends," Brittney said 

"Okay, happy birthday again," Harry said then walked away to go have breakfast with his friends

 Fred scoffed "And you don't accept our way of saying Happy Birthday. How utterly rude!" 

"Oh, shut up and eat your breakfast." 

The day had gone by rather fast for Brittney's liking, she had been wished a happy birthday a couple of times and she was told by Fred and George to be expecting a birthday present from them when they got back to the common room and if she were, to be honest, she was rather skeptical with them because they were acting rather peculiar whenever she was around. 

"Alright, what are you two up to?" Brittney asked them when they were on their way to the Great Hall for lunch. 

"What? Were not up to anything." George said. Brittney raised an eyebrow and looked at him 

"You sure?" 

"Yep!" Fred replied quickly 

"Well, I'm gonna go. Angelina wanted me to meet up with her,"

Brittney and Angelina were sitting in a window seat in the third-floor corridor, Angelina was just about to give Brittney her birthday present when Brittney said she had to use the restroom and left. 

Brittney had totally forgotten that the only bathroom near was Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, so having no other choice she headed over to that bathroom. 

Walking into the bathroom she walked into it and saw Moaning Myrtle, "Hello, Myrtle,"

"Oh, hello," 

Brittney suddenly felt water soaking through her sneakers. Looking down at her feet she saw a puddle of water. Furrowing her eyebrows Brittney looked up to see two pairs of bright yellow serpent eyes staring into her own through the mirror. With little time to react Brittney gasped as she felt her entire body stiffen as she was engulfed into a world of darkness. 

A little while after Angelina had started to grow worried. Getting up Angelina went to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom thinking that would be where Brittney was. She suddenly heard water splashing under her feet everytime she took a step. Seeing the water leading from the bathroom she walked over and into the bathroom where she found Moaning Myrtle looking over Brittney's stiffened body. Angelina ran out of the bathroom quickly to find McGonagall or another Professor. 

"Professor!" Angelina cried as she saw Professor Snape 

"What?" Professor Snape sneered, "Also, you should not be running down the corridors!" 

"Another person's been petrified!" Angelina said 

"Where?" Professor Snape asked urgently 

Angelina lead Snape to where Brittney was. Moaning Myrtle was yelling at Brittney to try to get her up. 'She is pranking me! I just know!' Myrtle had claimed. While Professor Snape took the petrified girl to the Hospital Wing Angelina ran to get Fred and George.

"Fred! George!" Angelina shouted when she saw them about to walk into Gryffindor Tower.

"What is it?" George asked

Angelina had come to a stop in front of the two, placing her hand on her kneecaps as she attempted to catch her breath. "Brittney..she.....she was.... petrified." 

"WHAT?!" Fred and George yelled in unison and started down the corridor.

"Oh come on! Here we go," Angelina said to herself as she took off after the twins. 

A/N: I know I haven't updated in a while and I know this is kind of a sucky chapter but I just wanted to get a chapter up. 

Alright, you guys thank you so much! I can't believe that this story has hit 1K reads. When I found out I literally screamed out of pure joy.  I cannot thank you guys enough, I never thought that any story I would write would get even five hundred reads so hitting 1K is really awesome.

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