Chapter Nine

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3rd person.

"Hi, Harry." Ron smiled at Harry

"Ron, Fred, George what are you doing here?"

"Grab your stuff we are getting you out of here," Ron said suddenly rushed 

"What am I? Invisible?" Brittney said as she caught the attention of Ron, Fred, and George.

"You too Britt," Fred said. "Don't forget your owls."

"Hold on for a second," Ron said as he turned to Fred and Fred drove the opposite way to break the bars off the windows. Fred backed up to the opened window that was now free of bars. The trunk popped open, then Brittney and Harry put their trunks in the trunk of the Weasley's Ford Anglia. 

"Come on Britt get in," George said as Brittney went over to the window and climbed into the car. 

"Harry you next," Ron said. Harry started to climb into the car when Vernon Dursley came bursting into the room.

"PETUNIA HE'S ESCAPING!!!" Vernon bellowed, as he ran and caught hold of Harry's ankle.

"Drive!" Ron told Fred. Fred drove the opposite way causing Vernon to lose his grip on Harry's ankle and him to fall out of the window.Harry crawled into the car and shut the door as Fred was driving away.

"Happy birthday Harry," Ron said smiling at Harry


The entire ride in the car was filled with Brittney and Harry explaining Dobby's warning to Harry, and him not wanting Harry to go to Hogwarts that year. Time past and they soon found themselves about to land. When they landed they all piled out of the car and went inside in a quiet manner. 

"It's not much but it's home," Ron said.

"Well, I think it's brilliant," Harry said looking around at everything. 

"Where have you been?!" Molly said as she came down the stairs. She looked at Ron, Fred, and George. 

"Oh Harry, Brittney, of course, I don't blame you." She told Harry and Brittney. 

She directed her attention back to Ron, Fred, and George. "No note, car gone, you could have died! You could have been seen!" 

"They were starving them, Mum. There were bars on their window!" Ron tried to reason with her.

"You best hope I don't put bars on your window Ronald Weasley," Molly said in a warning tone to Ron. Ron's eyes widened at the thought of Molly putting bars on his window. "Now time for a spot of breakfast." 


I am so, so, sorry for not updating for a while but I promise that I will have chapters for you every Sunday. Well I will talk to you next time 

THE DURSLEY IN THE SHADOWS--George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now