Chapter Twenty-Two

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George sat on his bed in shock, his hand trembled in fear as he looked at the floor, thoughts swarming his head. He was starting to think that he had gone mad. George abruptly turned his head to the door as he heard the knob turn and the door eerily creek as it opened to reveal Fred's worried face. George looked back to the ground when he saw that it was just his brother entering the room. 

"Georgie, what wrong?" Fred asked his brother as he made his way over to the bed where his brother was sitting, making sure to close the door behind him. 

"I-I don't, I don't want to talk about it," 

"Georgie, you can tell me anything, you know that," Fred said, his voice cracking at the end of his sentence. Fred only seemed to think that George didn't trust him anymore and, that hurt him more than anything in the world. 

"I know, but, you're gonna think that I have gone mental," George said as he looked from his hands to Fred, who just looked at him, no emotion on his face at all, "What?" 

"George Weasley, you already know this, I am not going to think you are mental, unless you do something absolutely horrible, like kill someone, then, I might think that you're mental,  but, it depends!" Fred said to George, to which George cracked a smile and chuckled, "See, there is the smile I have been looking for. Now tell Freddie what's wrong," 

"Well, I was in the Hospital Wing checking on Brittney a-and then I, I heard something. I-I don't know if I was just hearing things o-or if I am just going mad, but, I heard Brittney call out my name, a-and then I put my hand on her cheek, and not five seconds later, I-I felt a hand on top of mine, and I think I was feeling Brittney's hand!" 

Fred didn't know what to say or even think for that matter. What his brother was saying, yes, did sound strange, but, Fred believed every word that came out of his brother's mouth, Fred knew that George would never lie about something involving one of the people he cared about most. 

Fred hadn't gone and visited Brittney as much as his brother had. George and Brittney had developed more of a bond that could potentially lead to the pair possibly dating in the future, and Fred knew that. Fred thinks of Brittney more as a sister than someone he would call a lover, and that was absolutely fine with him. Even though he hates to admit it, Fred wasn't as close to Brittney as George was, and that was something that he absolutely hated himself for. 

"I believe you, George, I do, but, this whole situation is leaving me very confused, I don't know what is happening, and I don't think that you know either, but, no matter what, Brittney will be okay, she will be fine," Fred didn't know how much he was helping, even if he was helping at all trying to comfort George.

Suddenly George stopped crying and wiped the tears off of his cheeks, "Come with me," Fred didn't know what to think, his brother had gone from crying, to urgent in just a matter of seconds, and Fred had no idea what was going on. 

"Sammy, I need you to come here please," A woman said, the woman looked as if she had been crying her eyes were red and blotchy and her face looked swollen. The woman looked as if she had been in her mid thirty's. She sat on a rocking chair that had a blanket draped over the top.

A boy, who looked as if he was at least eleven years old came out from his bedroom to see his mother sitting in the rocking chair, she had a worried expression and tears stained her face, "Mum, what's wrong? Is everything alright?" 

"Samuel, your father, has passed away," Immediately the boy's face dropped and tears formed in his eyes.

"W-What? You're lying to me. No! NO! HE CAN'T BE DEAD! HE CAN'T BE! YOU'RE LYING TO ME! STOP LYING TO ME!" 

"Sammy, I'm not lying to you, I promise, and you're not alone, we can get through this together." The boy's knees buckled as he fell to the ground with a scream, he threw his head in his hands and sobbed while his mother stood up from the chair she had been sitting, kneeled down next to the boy and ran her hand through his hair as the boy continued to cry.

"Mummy, what are we going to do?" The boy asked as he finally found the courage to lift his head, the boy looked pale and scared, no ounce of happiness lay on his face. 

"I don't know Sammy, I don't know," 

Then, the scene changed, the colours shifted altogether into a black, while the black didn't fade all the way, it faded to a point to where only silhouetted pine trees could be made out in the night.

A low growl emitted from between the darkened trees, the next thing to be heard was a yell, "BRITTNEY!!" 

For only a few seconds there was silence until an ear piercing scream broke the silence of the forest. 

Charles Grover woke up with a start, sweat was trickling down his face while he panted like he had been running for miles. Charles ran his hand through his hair and suddenly vomited. He felt even worse after he had emptied the contents of his stomach then he mumbled to himself, "What just happened?"

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