Chapter Two

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"Mum, can I ask you a question?" Brittney asked
"Anything dear." Petunia said
"Does Hogwarts school of witchcraft and with wizardry exist?" She asked
"Why?" Petunia asked urgently
"Well, I got a letter from that place saying that I have been accepted there," Brittney said
"Well.....yes but I don't think you would go." Petunia said.
"Why not?" Brittney asked, "I want to go."
"Alright, we need to go and get your supplies." She said, "I don't want your father to know about this."
--------------Diagon Alley.
Brittney's P.o.V

Today mum and I were on our way to go and get supplies for school. Mum told me not to tell my father, brother or Harry. It is a secret between us I guess.
"Mum where are we going?" I asked
"Diagon Alley," Mum replied
"Were? " I asked
"Oh, here we are," Mum said
"Diagon Alley."


(I am going to skip all of the shopping because I find it rather boring. sorry!)

I am supposed to go and get on a train to go to school on the first of September. Ever since I got my supplies I have been reading and studying them a lot.  Tomorrow I am going to Kings Cross Station to board the Hogwarts Express. I have my ticket and I have no idea on how to get to the train because it is on a platform that I don't even think exists. It is on platform nine and three quarters!

"Brittney!" Mum yelled "Time for super"

"Coming mum!" I yelled back. I went downstairs and gave a small smile to Harry as I walked past him. He smiled back and I made my way to my seat at the table.

"So Brittney, you have not told me where you are going to school." My dad said, "Your mum told me that you are not going to be at the same school as Dudley this year."

I gave mum a pleading look and then she sat down the food and changed the subject.

------------At Kings Cross Station

"Bye mum!" I yelled. I had said goodbye to my dad before we left because he had to go to work. Mum dropped me off at Kings Cross Station.

"Bye!" She yelled back "Be good"

"I will! See you at Christmas!" I said to her. I went inside and went to platform's nine and ten hoping to find platform nine and three quarters. But sadly I had no luck I leaned against a wall and fell through the wall. I looked up and saw that there was a sign that said nine and three quarters on it.

"I guess I found the platform," I said to myself

"Hey, are you okay?" I boy with bright red hair asked me.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said "Just a couple scratches" The boy reached his hand out to help me up and I took it.

"I'm George by the way." He said

"I'm Brittney," I said

"Are you a first year too." He asked me

"Yes, I am," I said as the train whistle blew.

"We better get on the train." George said, "Do you want to sit in the same compartment?"

"Sure," I said. As we walked to the train another boy with red hair appeared.

"Hi! I am Fred" He said. I knew they were twins because they looked exactly alike.

"I am Brittney." I said "Nice to meet you"

"Hey, Brittney?" George started

"Do you like to prank?" Fred finished. They both had a look of mischief in their eyes

"I love pranking," I told them. I already know this is going to be a fun year...


Word Count: 583

I hope you enjoyed. I am sorry for the delay on updating. My computer keeps lagging out on me. I will update soon!


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