Chapter Nineteen

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The air around Brittney suddenly got cold as the walls changed into another piece of Brittney's past. Two proud parents walked out of a hospital. The woman was holding a baby that was wrapped in many layers of pink blankets. The woman was leaving footprints in the newly fallen snow. Petunia Dursley walked with pride next to her husband smirks on both of their faces, the new parents couldn't be any happier.

The car ride home was rather quiet, which was normal for the Dursley family. Vernon Dursley was driving home while Petunia sat in the back seats with the baby. Hitting a bump in the road Brittney woke from her quiet slumber, Petunia comforting the child back to sleep as the car went down the road and towards Privet Drive.

Vernon and Petunia Dursley had just bought a perfectly normal house on Privet Drive, where they lived a perfectly normal life and would raise their children to be perfectly normal because nothing was worse than being abnormal to the Dursley's. The house sat at the fourth spot on Privet Drive. It was a three-bedroom house, with a little cupboard under the stairs. The house was perfectly normal and held a family of perfectly normal people.

As the Dursley's sat in their family room in the silence when they heard a knock at the door. Petunia walked towards the door, she had been making dinner for Vernon and herself while Brittney slept. Opening the door she was met with the face of her parents and sister. "What you all doing here?" Petunia snapped.

"Hi, Tuney, we came to see your little baby," Lily said her with a smile on her face, "May we come in?" Petunia glared at her sister.

"Petunia, may we come in," Rose asked politely.

"Alright, be quiet," Petunia said directing her gaze to Lily who smiled at her.

The small group walked into the family room and Petunia went for the small crib Brittney was settled in. Gently picking Brittney up in her arms she walked over to her mother and father and let them see, "May I hold her?" Rose asked softly.

"Yes, mother," Petunia said as she handed the baby over to her mother, "She's beautiful Petunia,"

"Thank you," Petunia said. The image suddenly started getting blurry, it was then when Brittney was left in darkness.

"Why wasn't that one finished?" Brittney asked herself out loud, "Oh my Merlin! I'm talking to myself, that's it I've officially gone mad!"

Brittney stood up from her position on the floor and started walking around, her eyes had gotten used to the darkness of the place. The only time it wasn't dark was when she was being shown memories of her past. Brittney had no idea why she was being shown memories of her past, all of the memories she was being shown were ones from when she had just been born.

Why was this happening to her, she still didn't know, maybe she was actually dying?

"Nancy, I have to go. I have been accepted into a school in Scotland. Aren't you happy for me?" An eleven-year-old Brittney had been dreading the day she would have to say goodbye to her best friend Nancy.

Nancy was a beautiful girl, her brown hair went all the way down to the small of her back, her eyes were a stormy grey color. Nancy Crew was one of the smartest people Brittney had ever met. She was in every single advanced class there was, and was the most loyal person Brittney knew. Brittney always wished she could be as smart as her best friend, but even her own father said that Brittney would never be able to be as smart as Nancy was.

"Of, course I am happy for you Britt," Nancy said, "but, I'm afraid that you will forget all about me when you go to this new school and make friends that are better than me, and then you won't even remember my name," Nancy had tears laying on the brim of her eyes that were so close to falling.

"Nancy, listen to me, I won't forget about you, how would I be able to forget about my best friend? I will write to you every week," Brittney said, "I am leaving tomorrow, my train leaves at eleven, I will be here at nine to say goodbye. Alright?"

Nancy nodded her head, "Well, I'll see you tomorrow then?" Brittney nodded her head, then the girls walked in two different directions.

Once Brittney had gotten to Hogwarts, she kept her word and the two exchanged letters every week until Nancy stopped replying. Brittney never knew what had happened but all she knew was that she hadn't seen her best friend in years.

Brittney hadn't realized it but she had been crying, seeing her once friend Nancy after years had set something off in her. She had asked her parents many times if they had known what happened to her but every time they had shut her down.

While Brittney sat in the darkness crying over the loss of her best friend, George Weasley was sitting next to a hospital bed watching wide-eyed as tears fell down the petrified face of Brittney Dursley. 

THE DURSLEY IN THE SHADOWS--George WeasleyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt