Chapter Three

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I am skipping to the part where everyone is being sorted. I have decided to skip the whole train part. This is what Brittney wore to the train station.

As me Fred and George walked off the train we heard someone calling out for the first years. We walked up to this man. He must have been over eight feet tall! He had a very long (and might I say very frizzy) beard. His hair was the same. His beard and his hair were both colored black. He wore a big coat with many pockets and carried a pink umbrella.

"Woah," I said when we approached the man. After he rounded up all of the first years he took us over to boats so we could sail across the lake to get to Hogwarts. When we approached the castle it looked very magnificent. It was big and looked very old and elegant. When we walked up a couple sets of stairs we were greeted by a witch wearing green robes and a witches hat.

"Hello, children." She said "I am Professor McGonagall when you walk into that hall you will be sorted into your house. As some of you know there are four Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. While you are here your house members will be like your family.

Now to the sorting part

"I am going to call your name and when I do you will come up here and place the hat on your head and when you have been sorted you will join the rest of your house."

"George Weasley." She called the hat pondered for a moment before finally yelling out "GRYFFINDOR!!!"

"Fred Weasley"

"Ugh, how many Weasley's am I going to have to sort this year?" The hat questioned. Like with George, the hat pondered for a moment or two before shouting out "GRYFFINDOR!"

"Brittney Dursley"

"Ohh a muggle-born with so much knowledge you would do good in Ravenclaw you know." The hat whispered in my ear. "I know just where I am going to put you...GRYFFINDOR!"

I went over to the Gryffindor table and sat down with Fred and George I just know that I am going to have fun here.

Word Count:360

I hope you like the story so far. Am I taking it to fast-paced? Please let me know in the comments.


THE DURSLEY IN THE SHADOWS--George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now