Chapter Six

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Brittney's P.o.V 

 Today was the first Quidditch match against Slytherin and believe me Harry was very nervous. I am a chaser on the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

"Okay, I want a clean game," Madame Hooch said. As Oliver and Flint glared at each other. Then Madame Hooch let the bludgers, the snitch and then she threw up the quaffle and the game started. The game was going really good. But just as I was looking to see who had the quaffle the beater from the Slytherin team hit me in the face with his bludgers bat. 

"Ouch! That hurt!" I said and he only laughed and rode away on his broom "Rude."

About twenty minutes later I had the quaffle and a bludger was coming my way I tried to dodge the bludger but it didn't work. I got hit. I dropped the Quaffle and slipped off my broom. I was lucky because I had caught myself on my broom I pulled myself up sat on my broom and saw (just like everyone) Harry. His broom was being jinxed. Everyone stopped playing (Even the Slytherins). Then Harry broom stopped and there were little yells I looked over to where the yelling was coming from and saw that Snape was fire. But soon after that Harry caught the snitch and the game ended and we won.

"Good job Harry!" I said to him.

"Thanks. Are you okay?" He asked 

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. I need to go talk to a certain set of twins about not letting bludgers hit people on their team." I said to him "Bye." 

"Bye," He said to me "See you later." I waved to him and walked over to the twins

"Hey, you two need work on not letting bludgers hit the people on your team," I said to the twins

"Oh, we are sorry Britt," George said 

"I guess we need to work on skills." Fred said "Right Georgie?"

"Right," George said 

"Well, I hope I don't get beaten up by a bludgers bat next match," I said laughing. The boys laughed as well and we continued on with the rest of our day. 

I hope you liked this chapter. Give me feedback! If you give me ideas I might just use your idea in the next chapter (I most likely will) 

Until next time,

~Alyssa :-)

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