Chapter five

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Brittney's P.o.V

"TROLL!!!" Yelled professor Quirrell. "IN THE DUNGEONS."

"TROLL IN THE DUNGEONS!! Just thought you ought to know. "

After that professor, Quirrell fainted and everyone started to freak out.

"SILENCE" Professor Dumbledore yelled and everyone went quiet "Prefects will lead their houses back their dormitories teachers will meet me in the dungeons." We all followed Percy (The Gryffindor prefect)

In the Gryffindor common room

"Well that is weird," George said, "How did get in?"

"Well, I don't know trolls are pretty stupid," I said

"You are right Brittney they are pretty-" Fred started but was interrupted by Harry Ron and Hermione walking into the common room.

"Where were you?" I asked them.

"With the- the troll" Ron said in a whisper.

My eyes went wide "You were with the what!? Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"Brittney we are fine no one got hurt," Harry said

Harry's P.o.V

Ron and I had just fought off a troll!!! It was quite scary. Well, it was for me at least (Maybe because I was being swung by my legs by the troll himself!) But at least Hermione was grateful that we saved her from that troll. We walked into the common room Brittney came running over towards us wondering if we were okay and she asked where we were and when Ron answered her he sounded so scared that he had just fought a troll.

Brittney's P.o.V (Two days later)

Fred, George, and I are planning a prank on Filch. We are going to use some dungbombs and some slime that I brought from home. We are planning to do this prank after dinner.

It is after dinner and me Fred and George sneaked out of the common room. We had the marauders map and saw Filch walking over to where we had the prank set up.

"Come over here." Whispered Fred. We hid behind something.

"He's walking this way." I whispered, "Get ready this is going to be funny."

"Quick throw the dungbombs he's getting closer." Whispered George. Fred threw a dungbomb at Filch and just as he walked over to it the dungbomb went off. Filch started to look around for us and let me tell you he looked mad then the bucket of slime fell on his head.

"Run!" I whispered and we ran off.

"YOU THREE GET BACK HERE!" Yelled Filch. They ran all the back to the common room with Filch at their tail.

"That was amazing," I said laughing

"Yeah." Fred and George said together.

Hi! I thought I would update today because I don't have school and I had to just finish the chapter. I hope you like the chapter. Also if you see any mistakes tell me and I will fix it. The next chapter will be out soon. Hey, I have a question. How many times do you want me to update each week?

Until next time,

~Alyssa :-)

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