"Meeting Hiccup and Merida, after long time"

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Jack hated school, and the only thing worth going for was Elsa . She was the only ray of sunshine in this hell pit, for lack of a manlier expression.

He drummed his fingertips on the desktop, bored out of his mind. His head was propped up by his elbow as he examined the dirt under his fingernails, and he picked at them. Jack's eyes swept over the room, landing briefly on Elsa and moving on, before going back to study her.

Her hair was a golden yellow, and slightly wavy. It shone, and a lock of blonde hair strayed from the other as it fell into her line of sight. She ignored it, evidently concentrated on her studies. As she took notes, her brow furrowed as her hand picked up speed, and he saw her ripe pink tongue poke out of the corner of her mouth. Jack briefly wondered what it would taste like, and mentally shook his head.

Think disgusting thoughts, he reminded himself. Geometry, algebra, subatomic particles...

Elsa brushed the strand of hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear, but it fell back out of place. She tucked it behind her ear again, but the stubborn lock refused to cooperate. Jack chuckled softly, and Elsa's head snapped towards his. Sometimes he wondered if she had super-hearing powers.

He raised his free hand and wiggled his fingers lazily in a greeting. Elsa offered only a confused smile as she slowly waved back. Jack grinned, watching the cute dimple on her left cheek appear.

Aware of Jack's intense gaze on her neck, Elsa forced herself to keep her eyes on her paper as she quickly scribbled down all the information that the teacher said. She shook her head at Jack; how would he ever study without notes?

As if he were reading her mind, Jack leaned over and whispered, "S'cause I don't study."

Elsa rolled her eyes. Could the class end any sooner?

When the bell finally rung, both Jack and Elsa were out of the door in a flash. Elsa quickly headed home to meet Rapunzel for a sleepover, and Jack went to meet Zack at Falafel Phil's.

Zack was already at the small shop when Jack arrived, leaning on the wall and chatting with a tall brunette.(Alexa)

"So, Alexa, Saturday work for you?" Jack heard him say, casually running a hand down the girl's arm. He heard a giggle, and she pressed a slip of paper into Zack's hand.

As Jack passed her when she turned to leave, he gave her a nodded greeting and turned back to Zack, who was unfolding the paper.

"Sweet, bro!" he exclaimed. "Did you see that? I got a date this Saturday night!"

"Yeah, good for you," Jack said airily.

Upon entering the small falafel joint, they were immediately greeted by its eccentric owner. Hiccup, of course.

"Jack! How are you? I haven't see you in long time!" he exclaimed, and his accent peeked through.

"I'm fine, Hiccup," Jack responded, and dragged Zackby his arm over to the corner booth. Hiccup followed them.

"You want falafel?" he asked, rubbing his hands together.

Jack gave him a regretful look. "I'd love some, Hic, but I don't have any money," he said ruefully, and turned his pockets inside out for emphasis.

Hiccup was quick to respond. "No worry, Jack! It's on the house." Then he turned towards the kitchen. "Merida! Five platters of fried falafel!"

Zack stared after the foreign man, awe-struck. "So that's the famous falafel Phil?" he asked. "He seems like a cool dude, dude."

Jack shook his head. "You guys would get along great."

The smell of the fried grease balls still hung under Jack's nose as he finished chewing his last falafel ball and wiped his mouth. Jerry had long since finished, and he clapped his hands to gather once and stood.

"It's about time you finished, bro," he said. "You took forever."

Zack had eaten his falafel so fast it had almost been as if the platter was empty when it had been served.

Jack waved him off. "Whatever, dude," he said. "Chicks don't date slobs."

As they waved goodbye to Hiccup and Merida, they walked around the mall, doing absolutely nothing.

"This place is boring," Zack complained. He'd moved from a carnival town, and wasn't used to malls. "Isn't there anything to do?"

Jack just shrugged.

"You wanna drop by the skate park?" Zack offered, kicking an empty Coke can.

"Nah. They're closed today, anyway."

Zack stopped in his tracks, and a devilish grin spread across his face. Though they hadn't known each other for a long time, Jack would've recognized that face anywhere. It was the exact same face he made just before planning something drastically naughty.

"Ya know," Zack said slowly, "I think this little town needs to lighten up a bit, don't you agree, Jack?"

"What've you got in mind?" Jack raised his eyebrows. He was liking where this conversation was headed.

Zack grinned so widely that his face looked like it would break from the effort.

"We're gonna pull the biggest prank Disney's ever seen."



and sorry for a short chapter

Me and You, FOREVER | Jack x Elsa |Where stories live. Discover now