"Give him a chance"

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Third Person POV

Jack leaned on the lockers and stared after the gorgeous blonde escaping down the hallway. It was strange; he usually didn't go for girls like her. He had a type: tall, stacked, and hot, but there was something special about Elsa Winters. And he intended to find out what that 'something' was.

Elsa walked down to the courtyard in search of her brown haired best friend. Scanning her surroundings, she spotted Rapunzel near the birdbath in the middle of the courtyard talking to Flynn, her boyfriend. Marching over to Rapunzel, she pointed a finger at her friend's chest. "You," she growled. "You left me alone with Jack Frost. What kind of a best friend does that?"

Rapunzel raised both hands in sign of surrender. "Guilty as charged," she said. Rapunzel put her hands down and looped an arm through Elsa's. "But come on," she said. "He's totally into you, and he's super hot. Right, Flynn?" She elbowed her boyfriend. Flynn shrugged. "I'm not really comfortable agreeing that my best friend is hot," he said uncomfortably.

Rapunzel rolled her eyes at her boyfriend. "The point is," she continued. "You should go for it. Next time he asks you out, say yes."

Elsa shrugged out of her best friend's astonishingly strong grip with raised eyebrows. "Hello? Are you not getting this? He's Jack Frost. He's exactly the kind of guy I need to avoid."

Flynn raised a finger. "Can I interject?" he asked. When both girls nodded, he continued. "While I agree that Jack isn't exactly a straight A student, I have to say that he's also a pretty great guy who, very obviously, likes you. I think you should give him a chance." Then that being said, Flynn fell silent. Rapunzel looked up at him lovingly and gave him a kiss. "And this is why we're dating," she said.

Elsa rolled her eyes at the lovey-dovey couple. "Oh, get a room, you two," she complained. Though secretly, Elsa felt a pang in her chest whenever she saw Rapunzel and Flynn holding hands, kissing, or cuddling. They really were the perfect couple, she thought longingly.

Rapunzel blushed. "Just give Jack a chance," she begged, looking at Elsa with large puppy dog eyes.

She caved. "Fine," Elsa relented. "But I'll only tolerate him, I'm not saying yes to anything."

Rapunzel seemed content with this answer and smiled. Looking over Elsa's shoulder, her smile faded. "Bitch at six o'clock," she muttered. Elsa turned around.

Mary Smith strutted through the courtyard in a tight, revealing pink halter top, and an equally revealing black mini skirt. Her piercing green eyes shot glares at anyone in her way, clearing a path for her. She was accompanied by her loyal sidekicks, Hallie and Holly, two ravishing redheads.

The terrible trio stopped in front of Elsa, Rapunzel, and Flynn.

"Why, Elsa! How... nice to see you." Mary's voice oozed sarcasm.

Elsa glared back. "Likewise."

Mary turned to Flynn, flashing him her brilliant smile that made guys fall at her feet. "Flynn! How are you?"

Flynn shrugged nonchalantly. "Pretty good, I guess," he said. Mary smiled still, and rubbed his arm. "Wow, your arm is huge. Have you been working out?" She squeezed his arm with every word.

Flynn looked so uncomfortable that Elsa almost laughed. "Um, sometimes."

Elsa looked over at Rapunzel. To anybody else, she would have seemed calm and serene. But, Elsa knew, a closer look would tell you otherwise. Her fists were balled up, her ears were red, and her bottom lip was a pale white from biting it.

Mary toyed with her blonde hair. "So Flynn," she said. "What else do you do in your spare time? Besides working out, I mean." Rapunzel took this as her chance and jumped in. "He hangs out with his girlfriend," she said, grabbing Flynn's arm. She said it with a sweet smile and a look that said 'Get lost or I will make you'.

Mary pouted. "I don't know why you keep her around. You could so much better," she said.

Elsa had had enough. She turned and said, "What do you want, Mary?"

Mary dropped her smile and glared at Elsa. "What I want is for you to leave my man alone." Elsa looked at her disbelievingly. Did she actually think that there was something between her and Jack? "You can have him," she said. "Jack and I aren't together."

Mary snorted. "You've got that right," she said snobbily. "And if you ever  try to make another move on him again, I will make your life a living hell." She pivoted on her heel and, followed by a silent Hallie and Holly, left the school.

Rapunzel was fuming. "That girl is a grade A bi-" Flynn cut her off with a kiss. She smiled and shut up. "Never mind. She can do whatever she wants."

And Elsa agreed.


I tried my best to make this one funny, and I hope it was. This chapter is just a filler, FYI.

hope you enjoyed it...

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