"He turns to someone I don't know"

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Third Person POV

The bell in the dojo rang above their heads as the two teenagers entered. Elsa headed straight for the changing room.

"Where are you going, Elsa?" Jack grabbed her arm. She twisted it out of his grip. "To change into my gi."

As she laid a hand on the changing room door, Jack called out. "I don't have my gi. What do I wear?"

Looking around, she spotted a nearby locker and opened it. Elsa rummaged around before placing her hand on the rough white fabric of a gi. "Here," she said, and tossed it at Jack, who fumbled and nearly dropped it. "It's my friend Hiccup's. You can borrow it for now."

She opened the door and left to change.

**Inside the girls' changing room**

Elsa took a deep breath, pulled her arm out of the sleeve of her jacket, and put on her gi. Was she really going to do this? Spar with Jack Frost just to prove she wasn't a run-of-the-mill dumb blonde? Just the thought spurred her into action.

I'm a lot of things, Elsa thought, as she plaited her blonde hair into a side braid. But dumb isn't one of them.

**Inside the boys' changing room**

Peeling the tight leather sleeves off his arms, Jack stepped into the worn gi. He was anticipating the coming spar with Elsa. Inwardly, he was thrilled about it. Jack approved of anything that involved physical contact with girls; especially Elsa. Jack still wasn't sure how he felt about her, but he was liking her more and more. Not many girls faced him down with an attitude like Elsa's, and he liked it.

**On the sparring mats** (A/N: Sorry for doing so many of these; I can't figure out how to do those line breaks! :P)

Jack and Elsa circled each other on the mats, one eyeing the other warily and solely watching for their opponent's next move. Jack certainly didn't notice how Elsa's hair framed her beautiful face. And Elsa certainly didn't notice the way the slightly-small borrowed gi clung to his every muscle.

"Come on, Jack," she taunted. "Too scared to hit?"

Jack smirked. "Nope. I'm just remembering that you shouldn't hit a girl."

Wiggling her eyebrows, Kim smiled. "Is Jack Frost forfeiting?"

"No way," Jack said, and threw a punch aimed for her head. She caught it an inch short of her face.

Staring at him, her mouth dropped. "Did you just try to punch me in the face?"

Grinning, Jack moved his head slowly from side to side. "Maybe, maybe not."

Elsa looked back at him, a small smile appearing on her face. "Oh, it's on."

Her leg came up, nearly missing Jack's head. He ducked, dropping to a crouch and swept Elsa's leg out from underneath her. She gave a yelp and immediately jumped back to her feet, narrowly missing Jack's next blow. His arm shot out, only to be blocked by Elsa's. She grabbed his wrist and twisted it, flipping Jack over her shoulder. He lay on the floor, panting, groaning, and clutching his chest. "Ugh." Jack's head fell back and hit the floor.

Elsa stood, leaning forward in a lunge. She grinned. "Had enough?" She put her hand out to help him up.

Jack's hand stretched out to meet hers, shaking slightly. When their hands met, Jack grinned. "Not nearly enough," he said.

Then he grabbed her wrist and flipped her, using the exact same maneuver that she had used on him only moments before. Jack pinned down her wrists with his own, now laying completely on top of Elsa.

"Yes!" he crowed. "Who's the man?"

Elsa frowned. Then, using her foot, she kicked away Jack's left arm restraining her and sat up. "Not you," she said.

Then she used her free hand and pushed Jack onto his back, now pinning him down with her wrists. She quirked and eyebrow. "Now who's the man?"

But before she could taunt him any further, Jack suddenly leaned forward and hit his head against Elsa's. She let go of his wrists to grasp her forehead. "Ow!"

A second later, they both sprang to their feet, ready to fight again.

Jack shot out with his leg, hitting Elsa's shoulder. She fell backwards, clutching her shoulder.

Once again, they circled each other, watching for an opportunity to strike. This time, Elsa struck first.

"Hah!" Her foot connected with his thigh, which Jack promptly grabbed and twisted. A flash of pain bolted through her leg and up her spine. She cried out and grabbed her ankle.

In a flash, Jack was beside her. "Are you okay?" Despite her pain, Elsa was touched by the concern in his voice.

"Yeah," she grimaced. Another wave of pain hit her. "Aah! No, no I'm not. I think it's broken." She clutched her ankle and rocked back and forth.

"Here," Jack leaned down and picked her up, almost effortlessly, as if she weighed nothing. "Let me help you."

Elsa began to protest, but stopped when her ankle began to throb.

As Jack carried her out the dojo and towards the mall hospital, Elsa couldn't help but notice the way the only thing that separated them was the thin material of his gi. By the time they reached the infirmary, Elsa was nearly delirious from the pain of her jostled ankle.

Jack set her down gently, allowing her to cling onto his shoulder for support. He rapped on the doorway three times. "Nurse!" he called. "Nurse, I think we have someone with a broken ankle out here!"

Elsa barely registered the movement as Jack picked her up again and carried her into the office.

In half an hour, her ankle had been x-rayed, probed, and prodded. Not necessarily in that order.

"Yup, it's definitely broken," the nurse had said. "Jack, why don't you help this young lady by bandaging her ankle?" The nurse smiled at Elsa then entered the door in the back room.

Jack smiled at the elderly lady's retreating back and began rummaging through the upper cabinets for gauze.

Elsa looked at him. "Do you know her?" she asked.

Jack, having found the gauze, tossed it from hand to hand, and nodded. "Yeah. I...volunteer here sometimes," he said hesitantly, almost unwilling to divulge the information. He bent and began gently wrapping her foot. She winced.

Jack looked up and winced, too. "Sorry," he said. "Also, sorry for... you know." He gestured at her ankle.

Elsa looked at Jack. He, at some point, had turned from badass school bad boy to a gentle, kind guy. This was a side of him that she had never seen before.

And this was the guy she was beginning to like.


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