"Is it a..date?!"

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Third Person POV

"So," said Elsa, stroking nail polish down her big toe. "How are you and Flynn?"

Rapunzel sighed contentedly and paused, nail polish brush poised in the air. "Absolutely perfect," she said. "On our last date, he took me to the most expensive seafood place in town! I love seafood."

Elsa finished up her last toe and screwed the cap back on the bottle. "What do you think?"

Rapunzel looked over to Elsa's toes. "Nice," she commented. "Has Jack asked you out yet?" she asked innocently.

Elsa sighed. "We've talked about this," she said. "I will not, now or ever, go out with Jack."

Rapunzel waved her hand at her blonde friend, dismissing the thought. "You'll come to your senses" was all she said.

Elsa shook her head. "Seriously, Punzie. I'm not interested in him. He's not even that cute."

At this, the pretty blonde leaned forward and stared hard at Elsa. "Really?" she questioned. "Just to clarify, your heart doesn't skip a beat when he smiles at you, your palms don't get sweaty when he touches your arm, and you don't get lost in his big, blue, eyes."

Elsa sat, looking a bit dazed.

Rapunzel cleared her throat and raised an eyebrow. "Right?"

Her friend said nothing. Rapunzel just sat back with a smug grin.

Later that night, after Rapunzel had fallen asleep, Elsa lay on her bed thinking. Was Rapunzel right? Did she like Jack? No, I couldn't, she told herself. It was just teenage hormones.

Wasn't it?

Elsa wrote into her notebook, scribbling furiously. Being a straight A student, she had to be the first person in the class to finish the assignment. Hearing the light thud of paper land on the floor beside her, she turned, then looked up. Jack grinned back at her and wiggled his fingers in hello.

Bending down very slowly, eyes trained on the teacher, Elsa bent down to pick up the note. Slowly, being careful not to crinkle the note, she unfolded it and read Jack's message.

hey Elsa, wanna grab a bite later?


Elsa took a breath and wrote:

i'm not sure. can we talk about this later?

The rest of their exchange went like this:

Jack: why can't we talk now? come on, catching a burger with me can't hurt

Elsa: if i say yes, will u stop throwing notes me?

Jack: sure. c u 4

By the time the bell rang, Elsa had barely managed to finish the assignment in time and rushed out of class faster than anyone would have thought possible.

Running after Rapunzel, Elsa grabbed her shoulder. "I need your help," she panted. "How do I get out of a date with Jack?" Elsa threw a hand over her friend's mouth. "Please don't scream, it hurts my ears," she added. Rapunzel nodded.

Me and You, FOREVER | Jack x Elsa |Where stories live. Discover now