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A week later..

"You're a massive chicken shit!" I snapped storming through Zak's home as he trailed behind muttering. "You told me you would sort it with Billy, smooth it over. Even using the words 'A Bro talk!' I exclaimed throwing my hands out in front of me in anger.

"Well it didn't happen like that.." He sighed following me into the bedroom.

"No shit!"

"Well sorry if I don't want to break that news to him when we are out firing guns!" He threw back making my head snap back at his outburst.

"Well you should have told him on the way home!"

Zak threw his hands up in dismissal and stormed his way into the walk-in wardrobe to continue packing. Letting out a huff, I slumped on the end of his bed sulking.

Yes, I was being childish. Yes, the announcement of myself and Zak being in a relationship should come from me when Billy is to find out. But the anxiety of him finding out and reacting was too much.

Looking up from my hands, I saw Zak peeking out of his wardrobe, before raising a white sock in surrender.

"I'm sorry." I sighed parting my fiddling fingers.

His shoulders relaxed as he exited his walk-in and came over. We sat in silence for a while, a part of me wished I could know what was going on inside his head, but I couldn't. Everything seemed so shut down with him, as if we weren't working together, in a relationship.

"All this is kinda new to me, Katy." He began. "I've never had to worry about the small talks, the meeting parents, approval of friends..." he paused letting me linger on it. "But I do know when to say I'm sorry...And I'm sorry."

I shook my head "No, I am. You shouldn't be sorry for thinking ahead, you're thinking logical, the impact it will have on your working relationship with Billy. I'm being selfish, I'm being a coward, actually. I'm just worried that Billy won't take it so well."

Zak put his hand onto mine in comfort. "You and me both."

When I first came to Vegas, I was a slightly wounded bird after a bitter breakup. I arrived on Billy's doorstep, swollen eyes and reddened nose from the persistent crying, sobs racking my chest as I explained that I was now back on the singles ladder with nothing to my name. It was Billy who picked me up. Billy who dusted me off, Billy who helped me regain my confidence. Billy who warned me away from Zak's flirtatious ways.

But I was a sucker.

A sucker for a man who had a softer side, a man who gave me killer smile and a wink. A man who had charm and style. A man who was gentle, caring and kind. A man who was kind to animals and made it his mission to look after them, one way or another.

I rested my temple against his shoulder "Maybe.. Maybe he won't care?"

He scoffed instantly "He's going too. I guarantee you he'd have warned you off me before even introducing you to the crew... Didn't he?"

I kept my lips sealed and lowered my head slightly.

"I take that as a yes. Look I've been friends with Billy for a long time, we work together and sure we have even had the man talks about women et cetera. I can't sit here and say we haven't jest about the women I've slept with. And there's a few..." He trailed off before continuing "So he knows I've had a few women. He knows how bad they've taken it when I've broke things off because they've wanted more. He's been here when they've been screaming in my face, calling me a player, a gigolo, a monster, a pig, blah, blah, blah.. He's seen them get hurt. Kat, I can't blame him for warning you, I can't blame him if he wanted to put you in an ivory tower and protect you from heartache ever again. Hell I would if it was Meredith. But we are, are own people. He's gotta let you make your own mistakes."

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