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A couple weeks later..

I arrive at Zak's house and practically fall into his body as he makes dinner.

"How'd it go?" He asks removing the pan off the hob to give me a hug which I relish in every time.

"Okay.. I'm just so exhausted."

He nods understandingly and rubs my back "The doctor said it would take a lot out of you. All this therapy and exercise."

"Hmm. But I can't even get to the stage of swimming before I'm falling asleep, it's meant to be easier the longer you do it, right?"

"Apparently so... I'm making us a stir fry, you don't mind, do you?"

I shake my head and pick up a piece of raw pepper before eating it. "I'm gonna go and rest my eyes. If that's even possible."

He laughs gently. "Go take a nap. This can keep."

I wander off into the bedroom and strip out of my jeans, assessing the scar downs down my legs, I find a pair of Zak's shorts and pull them on, happy at how far they fall down my legs.

For good measure, I take off my bra too and heaven sets in.

I pad my way back to him and slide onto a barstool making him double take. "I thought you were going for a nap."

I shrug "Might as well eat with you first. I don't like you eating alone... Where's Gracie?"

"In the garden, sun is still out so you know how she is."

I smile and accept the plate Zak hands over.

We sit together and eat, occasionally Zak will talk about what he's done since I've been for my therapy lesson, what he plans to do tomorrow and when we go away next.

"Have you done them yet?"

"Done what?" He asks.

I grin "The voice overs."

He rolls his eyes "I really don't understand what you find so fascinating about them?"

"I like watching you do them. I don't know why, but don't steal my fun."

"I haven't as of yet, I should probably start getting some done though. Billy will be pissed if I hold us up anymore."

I pull an unsure face at the mention of his name. It's no secret that Billy still isn't a fan of our relationship but we were slowly working things out. He wasn't giving us death stares anymore but he refused to do the reviewing at Zak's house and took all the equipment with him. Leaving Zak none the wiser about how he was suppose to write voice overs for footage he was only going to see when Billy handed it over.

"It will sort itself out. We can't rush any of this. Besides, Aaron is coming around to the idea too."

I frown "He's on Team Bill. As far as he is concerned, I'm Yoko."


"You know, John Lennon's wife. The one that split up The Beatles."

He laughs "You're Loco, I don't know about Yoko."

I swat his arm and laugh when he pulls me into him and kisses my temple.

After we finish our food, we both crash onto the couch and curl up watching the sun set over Vegas. Occasionally a white dog would shoot past the window making me giggle and set Zak off into his chuckle.

"She's nuts." I smile as Gracie darts past again with a toy in her mouth.

"You're turning my dog loco too, it's spreading like some illness!"

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